加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Newcomer 请注意!!!



[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: Newcomer 请注意!!!我也感觉3个月以后找一下,风险应该不大,医生会要穿方辐射的衣服的

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MACZT:理论上说一次飞机旅行,相当于1000次X线检查的辐射量。一个奇怪的现象是飞机上没有要求孕妇不能上机,可是X线有明文规定孕妇禁用。点击展开...学习了,看来以后怀了bb得凡事小心了。我现在得做个research,看看坐飞机的辐射到底有多大,以后注意点了。

生命在于折腾!!!回复: Newcomer 请注意!!!查了一下,给Newcomer参考“ 孕期勿忘辐射线危害 辐射线是目前已知最会影响胎儿的环境因素。广义的辐射线指任何携带能量的波型,包含放射线(例如在医院所做的一些诊断性的X光、核子检查、作为治疗用的放射性碘或辐射屋)、宇宙射线(外层空间来的波、紫外线等)、微波、超音波(如洗牙等治疗用或诊断用)、电磁波(如大哥大、电磁炉)。 环境中一定有或多或少的辐射线,因为宇宙射线无处不在,但放射线如X光会伤害分裂中的细胞大家已有概念,例如我们知道高剂量的放射线可能对胎儿的影响,包括胎死腹中、畸形、智障、白血病、肿瘤(如甲状腺癌),但是这些辐射线的影响与它的强度及接触的时间呈正相关;如剂量低、接触时间短,那么胎儿所受到的影响就很小,所以怀孕的妇女应该要知道,自己接触到哪些辐射线及接触的时间。 举例来说,在怀孕中照了多少X光,孕妇应该主动了解自己所照的是哪一种X光、总共照了几张,也可以记录一共接触到多少辐射线。研究认为,如果怀孕过程中接触到5个雷得(radiation absorbed dose指放射线的计量单位,简称rad )的量,相当于照20张腹部X光片或2次的骨盆计算机断层,此种剂量下将来胎儿异常的机会将增加四成。若这种接触在怀孕8周内,容易形成骨骼系统之异常如头部过小,其它之异常则包括泌尿系统和眼睛,若发生在8周之后则易有智力障碍,因此在接受放射线和核子检查时要特别注意。”http://www.xsjk.net/jkzl/jdhk/2008/623/66297HJ32J8FK215I3I3.html

生命在于折腾!!! 2009-03-23#5 cicizhou 4,662 $0.00 不放心中国有些不合格专家的解释,查了查国外的,Is it safe to have an X-ray during pregnancy?Written for BabyCentre UKThe BabyCentre Editorial Team answers:* Send to a friendSend to a friend* Printable versionPrintable version*It depends on the type of X-ray you need and exactly how much radiation you're going to be exposed to. The greater your exposure to radiation, the greater the risk to your baby. Most diagnostic X-rays (dental X-rays, for example) do not expose the fetus to high enough levels of radiation to cause a problem. While fetal exposure over 10 rads (the unit of measurement for absorbed radiation) has been shown to increase the risks for learning disabilities and eye abnormalities, you needn't worry. It's rare for a diagnostic X-ray to exceed 5 rads.For example, the amount of radiation that a baby gets from a mother's dental X-ray is only 0.01 millirad. Since a rad is equal to 1,000 millirads, one would have to have 100,000 dental X-rays for the baby to receive just one rad. Other estimated fetal doses are 60 millirads for a chest X-ray, 290 millirads for an abdominal X-ray, and 800 millirads for a computerised tomographic (CT) scan. For perspective, during the normal course of pregnancy your baby is exposed to about 100 millirads of natural radiation from the sun and earth.Although the risk from diagnostic X-rays is low, experts often recommend that women postpone getting unnecessary X-rays until after giving birth. However, if your doctor feels X-rays are needed for your particular medical situation, it may ease your mind to know that the amount of radiation your baby will receive will most likely be well within the safe range. On the day of the test, make sure the radiographer knows that you are pregnant so she can properly shield you.If you're around radiation at work, talk to your supervisor about ways to reduce or eliminate your exposure. You may want to discuss the possibility of wearing a special kind of film badge that monitors the amount of radiation you receive. Such badges can be analysed periodically to make sure you and the baby are safe. If you're concerned that your employer isn't addressing safety issues, contact the Health and Safety Executive, the government agency responsible for overseeing safety in the workplace.If you were receiving radiation for cancer therapy before learning you were pregnant, talk to your oncologist about the amount of radiation your baby may have received, and ask for a referral to a genetic counsellor and for a detailed ultrasound of the baby.http://www.babycenter.com.au/pregnan...ingpregexpert/found out I'm pregnant after I had an X-ray. What should I do now?You don't really need to do anything. The risk to your baby from radiation is so small that most doctors would treat your pregnancy just like any other pregnancy. If you're really worried about your baby's risk, a radiation physicist can figure out exactly how much radiation your baby has been exposed to. Usually, an unborn baby shouldn't be exposed to more than 5 rad. Because most x-rays cause much less radiation than this, talk with your doctor to see if it will even help to find out the exact number of rads your baby was exposed to.更多解释:http://familydoctor.org/online/famdo...fetal/373.html

生命在于折腾!!!回复: Newcomer 请注意!!!CICI同学要坚持到底


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