加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民为了学英语得到的获
准备考试了,先把大使馆的资料细细地研究一下,本是为了学习英语(书面语言)发现真的有好多自己不会表达的东西在里面找到了,但更主要的是把2009.03.09发布的衬料list整个清楚:不知道以后怎么样,现在要求:1、千万不可造假(严格了)2、6张照片3、结、离婚、家属死亡、家庭(单位)户口证明,如果单位和户口不在同一地,请提供临时户口证明。3、孩子出生证明,adoption certification,custuday order,written consent from biologican parent with full name and id card number,3\ marital status for over 16 child,education background from post-second school before 22years old4\for child: transcripts,testimonials....5\ continuous financial depedence since before 226\ passport of each family with biographical date and expry date 7\notarial certification of each dipoloma degree graduation certification 8\evidence of post and current employment experence...... submit an explanation letter if you can not provide9\language test score or some other10 non-accampany family: meet the immgration medical and admissibility ;requirement ,other may result barring to canada in the future;11\settle funds12\police certification 2 piece内容太多,不愿意打字,只写了点英语,顺便记单词,大家以后再讨论吧。比较麻烦,尤其对家庭结构比较复杂人。 9\
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