加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天又接到女VO的电话!


[FONT=宋体]她关切地询问我是否收到护照。我很感动说已收到,能赶上明天美国使馆面签。她也很高兴。我说要给你也感谢信,请告诉我你的名字,你是不是[/FONT]ZSO[FONT=宋体]?她说不是,她不能告诉名字,感谢信来感谢所有使馆人员吧,因为所有[/FONT]Case [FONT=宋体]都不是一人完成的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]今天我一直忙着准备美国签证资料,但我觉得一定得把感谢信写了。下面就是我匆匆给她们的回信。明天到美国使馆回来后再给大家汇报。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]希望我的感谢信能给所有VO带来好心情,让同学们都走日收到大信封![/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Dear Madam, Thank you very much for your call, and your concern about our passports!I have already received our passports! I will catch up the interview appointment at the US embassy tommorow. I am very grateful for your great support in the past two and half years, for all the team members in the Canadian embassy. It is because of your great team work that makes all of our applicants have the great feelings just like home. On behalf of them, I would thank you again! Thanks to all the Visa Officers! Thanks to the Canadian Embassy! Best Regard, William Li[/FONT]

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话![FONT=宋体]她关切地询问我是否收到护照。我很感动说已收到,能赶上明天美国使馆面签。她也很高兴。我说要给你也感谢信,请告诉我你的名字,你是不是[/FONT]ZSO[FONT=宋体]?她说不是,她不能告诉名字,感谢信来感谢所有使馆人员吧,因为所有[/FONT]Case [FONT=宋体]都不是一人完成的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]今天我一直忙着准备美国签证资料,但我觉得一定得把感谢信写了。下面就是我匆匆给她们的回信。明天到美国使馆回来后再给大家汇报。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]希望我的感谢信能给所有VO带来好心情,让同学们都走日收到大信封![/FONT][FONT=宋体]Dear Madam,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Thank you very much for your call, and your concern about our passports![/FONT][FONT=宋体]I have already received our passports! I will catch up the interview appointment at the US embassy tommorow.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]I am very grateful for your great support in the past two and half years, for all the team members in the Canadian embassy. It is because of your great team work that makes all of our applicants have the great feelings just like home. [/FONT] [FONT=宋体]On behalf of them, I would thank you again! Thanks to all the Visa Officers! Thanks to the Canadian Embassy![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Best Regard,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]William Li[/FONT]点击展开...Cool~~!

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!很好~

Montréal回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!so nice.

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!恭喜Bill,感觉使馆似乎越来越温情了!

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!祝贺

生命在于折腾!!!回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!GXGX.

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!祝贺!希望大家都多探探口风,看看什么时候启动9.1新政的案子

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian恭喜Bill,感觉使馆似乎越来越温情了!点击展开...是北京使馆越来越温情

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!我也谢谢香港的VODear Madam/Sir,Thank you very much for your no calling, and no concern about our applicantions!I have never received anything in the past two years from you and all the team members in the Canadian general of hongkong!I am very angry.You know , I look forward to enjoying the winter olympic games in vancouver , 2010. i thing it is because of your fucking team work that makes all of our applicants have the great feelings just like hell. On behalf of them, I would fuck you again! fucking all the Visa Officers! fucking the Canadian general of hongkong!Best Regard,whywant

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!cooooooooool

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!good

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话![FONT=宋体]她关切地询问我是否收到护照。我很感动说已收到,能赶上明天美国使馆面签。她也很高兴。我说要给你也感谢信,请告诉我你的名字,你是不是[/FONT]ZSO[FONT=宋体]?她说不是,她不能告诉名字,感谢信来感谢所有使馆人员吧,因为所有[/FONT]Case [FONT=宋体]都不是一人完成的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]今天我一直忙着准备美国签证资料,但我觉得一定得把感谢信写了。下面就是我匆匆给她们的回信。明天到美国使馆回来后再给大家汇报。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]希望我的感谢信能给所有VO带来好心情,让同学们都走日收到大信封![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Dear Madam,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Thank you very much for your call, and your concern about our passports![/FONT][FONT=宋体]I have already received our passports! I will catch up the interview appointment at the US embassy tommorow.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]I am very grateful for your great support in the past two and half years, for all the team members in the Canadian embassy. It is because of your great team work that makes all of our applicants have the great feelings just like home. [/FONT] [FONT=宋体]On behalf of them, I would thank you again! Thanks to all the Visa Officers! Thanks to the Canadian Embassy![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Best Regard,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]William Li[/FONT]点击展开...good

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!very good

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] [FONT[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]​回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!so good...

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!我也谢谢香港的VO Dear Madam/Sir, Thank you very much for your no calling, and no concern about our applicantions! I have never received anything in the past two years from you and all the team members in the Canadian general of hongkong!I am very angry.You know , I look forward to enjoying the winter olympic games in vancouver , 2010. i thing it is because of your fucking team work that makes all of our applicants have the great feelings just like hell. On behalf of them, I would fuck you again! fucking all the Visa Officers! fucking the Canadian general of hongkong! Best Regard, whywant点击展开... Dear Whywant, Re-fuck, over. Yours,Canadian General of Hong Kong

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!个人感觉BILL是个真诚的人,这样的人到哪都会受欢迎的,向BILL学习.


回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!祝贺!希望大家都多探探口风,看看什么时候启动9.1新政的案子点击展开...我是2006年9月14日FN.

回复: 今天又接到女VO的电话!服务态度很好

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