加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于4131的职业定位


4131 College and Other Vocational Instructors This unit group includes instructors who teach applied arts, academic, technical and vocational subjects to students at community colleges, CEGEPs, agricultural colleges, technical and vocational institutes, language schools and other college level schools. This unit group also includes trainers who are employed by private training establishments, companies, community agencies and governments to deliver internal training or development courses. College teachers who are heads of departments are included in this group.Example TitlesCEGEP teachercollege teachercommercial art instructorcommunity college teachercompany trainercomputer training instructordepartment chairperson ? collegedepartment head ? CEGEPfirefighting instructorlanguage school instructorteacher ? institute of technologyteacher, legal assistant programtraining officer ? companyvocational institute teacherView all titlesMain dutiesCollege and other vocational instructors perform some or all of the following duties:Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, demonstrations, discussion groups, laboratory work, shop sessions, seminars, case studies, field assignments and independent or group projectsDevelop curriculum and prepare teaching materials and outlines for coursesPrepare, administer and mark tests and papers to evaluate students' progressAdvise students on program curricula and career decisionsProvide individualized tutorial/remedial instructionsSupervise independent or group projects, field placements, laboratory work or hands-on trainingSupervise teaching assistantsMay provide consultation services to government, business and other organizationsMay serve on committees concerned with matters such as budgets, curriculum revision, and course and diploma requirements.These instructors specialize in particular fields or areas of study such as visual arts, dental hygiene, welding, engineering technology, policing, computer software, management and early childhood education. 4131总体上就是COLLEGE级别的教书匠。

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