加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改


我今年3月的申请,4月10号收到补料S2的RN。当时申请的是HK处理,现在考虑到HK的处理速度其慢,想更改补料地点。本月4日,分别向BJ和HK均发出电子邮件申请改变地址。BJ在3小时内进行了回复,要求我咨询HK,HK回提供更改的方法。HK在今天回复,明确告知不可更改,必须在HK补料。从两地回复的速度和措辞看,HK真的不是好的选择。建议除非住在珠三角的,其他地方谨慎选择HK。我申请改变补料地点的邮件:Dear Sir or Madam:I am writing to you for enquiring the possibility of changing the office from Hong Kong to Beijing for stage 2 documents of my skilled worker immigration application.My personal information is as following:Name: XXXX;Date of Birth: XXXX;RN: XXXXI submitted my initial application to CIU, Sydney this March and got the RN. In the application, I chose the Hong Kong office to assess my application, and as my will, CIU allocated me to the Hong Kong office.When I am preparing my documents, I found it might be a mistake for me to choose Hong Kong as my assessor:1). before I sent my application to CIU, I had applied as skilled worker in Beijing in November, 2008, and then withdrawn the application in December. I think in this situation, it will be better for me to reapply in Beijing office and let Beijing office to assess my application documents;2). I live in Nanjing. For the purpose of easy and efficient communication, Beijing office is more suitable for me to submit the documents. The distance from Nanjing to Beijing is much shorter than it to Hong Kong. Furthermore, a special travel document will be applied as a citizen of PRC if I have to visit the visa office in Hong Kong.As the result, I hope I can send my full application with support documents to Beijing office later. If it is possible, what kind of actions I should take?Thanks and look forward to your information.BJ三小时后的回复:Dear XXXX,Please be advised that if you wish to tranfer your application from the Hong Kong Office to the Beijing office you must contact the Hong Kong office, they will then help you with the necessary steps. Below is the Hong Kong office email address:[email protected] sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of ChinaWeb site: www.beijing.gc.caEmail: [email protected]四天后的回复Dear Mr. XXXX,We regret that we are unable to transfer your application to the visa office in Beijing. Our Sydney office has followed exactly your request on the application form to direct your application to the Consulate here in Hong Kong for continuous processing. Please submit your full application within 120 days from the letter sent to you from our Sydney office. Thank you.Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong12/F., Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong KongFax: (852) 2847-7493Web Site: http://www.hongkong.gc.caEmail: [email protected]

081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME...回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改谢谢分享。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改在全世界范围来说,移民加拿大北京使馆目前还是算快的,尽比美国慢!http://www.trackitt.com/canada-immig...orkers/page/24当然了,投香港也是不错的,可以给自己更多的准备和思考时间!Welcome to HongKong Visa Office!

2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改谢谢分享

forever眼中的加拿大http://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=foreverhttp://www.canadameet.com/member/index.php?uid=forever&action=article回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改香港悲哀

回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改谢谢LZ的sharing!HK处理太慢,还不让人家转,到底为啥?

回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改另外, 我有回贴, 为啥被删?

回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改不好意思, 刚check了一下, 原来是LZ同一贴子发了两处, 呵呵。

回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改楼上你太激动了,你肯定回在227那里了

2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。不好意思, 刚check了一下, 原来是LZ同一贴子发了两处, 呵呵。点击展开...

081124BJ投妥;081201签发FN;081205撤案;090227烤鸭;090313投妥CIU;090326RN;090601补料HK;090615新FN;090625补材料;090729ME;090903PL;091007贴签;091017VISA到;091201短登温哥华;100626长登多伦多; 110412父母担保签收; 110505父母担保回执;110705宝宝担保签收;120105宝宝签证;120214宝宝登陆;140306入籍签收;140729父母担保补料;140819父母担保补料签收;141114入籍考试脱考;141120父母担保补料确认信;150317父母担保二次补料信;20150526二次补料签收;20150529DM1,ME...回复: CIU初审通过后指定的材料审理地点不可更改哎~~~~~~~~~~~~看来改bj是没戏了~

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