加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民海归符合新政么?
我在加拿大留学过N年,已经回国。但职业定位不在38项列表里。 是否仍然可以申请移民?
回复: 海归符合新政么?很多条路可选择
先 - 哲 - 和 - 高 - 道 黄大仙回复: 海归符合新政么?在加拿大读书2年以上并获得学历,离开加拿大2年内可以申请.
回复: 海归符合新政么?1 Yes, can apply1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if: * you have an offer of arranged employment, OR * you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR2 Advantage: +5 additional points, that would probably make a big difference.Previous study in CanadaYou, or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, have completed a program of full-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada. You must have done this after you were 17 years old and with a valid study permit.There is no need to have obtained a degree or diploma for these two years of study to earn these points. 5
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 海归符合新政么?!!
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...1 Yes, can apply1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if: * you have an offer of arranged employment, OR* you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR 2 Advantage: +5 additional points, that would probably make a big difference. Previous study in CanadaYou, or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, have completed a program of full-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada. You must have done this after you were 17 years old and with a valid study permit. There is no need to have obtained a degree or diploma for these two years of study to earn these points. 5点击展开...谢谢~ 有个问题, 如果按照现在加拿大38项紧缺移民要求, 已经回国的留学人员, 即使有加分机会, 但职业定位不在38项之内, 申请也不会被受理了吧? 应该就没有任何优势可言了.
回复: 海归符合新政么?楼上, 请看第一点, 说得很清楚了第一个字就是Yes, you can applyhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who.asp1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if: * you have an offer of arranged employment, OR * you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR (海龟) * you are a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience in one or more of the occupations listed here. ( 38项目)
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 海归符合新政么?aaa
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...楼上, 请看第一点, 说得很清楚了第一个字就是Yes, you can apply http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who.asp 1. According to the Minister’s instructions, your application is eligible for processing if: * you have an offer of arranged employment, OR* you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR (海龟)* you are a skilled worker who has at least one year of experience in one or more of the occupations listed here. ( 38项目)点击展开...之前以为只有正在加拿大留学的学生可以申请, 没想到海归也符合~ 谢谢你的回复
回复: 海归符合新政么?* you are a foreign national who has been living legally in Canada for one year as a temporary foreign worker or an international student, OR这个应该指已经并且正在,如果你申请前离开加拿大或者没有合法身份了,就不满足了。
回复: 海归符合新政么?Guide里是这样写的:you are a student or worker who is legally residing in Canada, and have done so for at least 12 months immediately before submitting your application。所以说,海龟是不符合的。However,如果在加拿大工作过一年,回国一年之内可以申请Canadian Experience Class:apply while working in Canada or within one year of leaving your job in Canada
回复: 海归符合新政么?大家很强大看来是我理解错误
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 海归符合新政么?学学法语申魁北克吧......赶早不赶晚。要不考虑澳洲曲线救国。走出去路就宽了
回复: 海归符合新政么?真是郁闷,我跟楼主情况一样,38里面唯一符合的职位又没有做够一年。。。真是倒霉。不知道值不值得试试运气?
回复: 海归符合新政么?真是郁闷,我跟楼主情况一样,38里面唯一符合的职位又没有做够一年。。。真是倒霉。不知道值不值得试试运气?点击展开...你递表了么? 我的FN 是08年11月18日到的。 但NOC0013不在紧缺里面,烦~ 感觉这个新政名单和辛格勒名单差不多拉。
回复: 海归符合新政么?你递表了么? 我的FN 是08年11月18日到的。 但NOC0013不在紧缺里面,烦~ 感觉这个新政名单和辛格勒名单差不多拉。点击展开...还没有,正打算递就看到这个晴天霹雳。我还在打算要不要碰碰运气呢。。。
回复: 海归符合新政么?学学法语申魁北克吧......赶早不赶晚。要不考虑澳洲曲线救国。走出去路就宽了点击展开...考虑过申请澳大利亚技术移民, 那个国家更变态, 09年的职业清单基本对中国人没戏. 请看衔接http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/critical-skills-list.pdf
回复: 海归符合新政么?考虑过申请澳大利亚技术移民, 那个国家更变态, 09年的职业清单基本对中国人没戏. 请看衔接http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/critical-skills-list.pdf点击展开...不懂不要乱说,那是CSL,是MODL上的更为紧缺的职业现在分为三个等级CSL优先级最高MODL其次其它达标移民最后CSL把很多热门MODL都放进去了,包括IT和会计而且强化了对这些职业的英语要求,等于是给了一个大优惠怎么会没戏,大大地有戏而且CSL不像加拿大联邦,除开职业列表以外的都不要澳洲只要你分数够,哪怕是50分40分职业,一样可以移民就是审理的时间比较长,但是再长,VO是有时间考核的除非特殊原因,比如VO休假(这个比较汗)或者背景调查出问题否则从分到VO开始必需在三个月内结案,这就让很多非MODL非CSL的申请人爽了N多了最长也不过等三个月嘛不像加拿大联邦现在,只要38类,其它都不要
回复: 海归符合新政么?尤其是这个Computing Professionals -- where the applicant's specialisation is listed on the Migration on Demand List (MODL)还有这个Accountant -- where the applicant has achieved a score of at least IELTS 7 in each of the four competencies, and/or has completed The Professional Year Skilled Migration Internship Program Accounting (SMIPA)这两个都是中国人移民澳洲最多的职业提名,大热门啊还会变态?我觉得澳洲政府在移民这件事上的处理比加拿大联邦好太多了
回复: 海归符合新政么?不懂不要乱说,那是CSL,是MODL上的更为紧缺的职业现在分为三个等级CSL优先级最高MODL其次其它达标移民最后CSL把很多热门MODL都放进去了,包括IT和会计而且强化了对这些职业的英语要求,等于是给了一个大优惠怎么会没戏,大大地有戏而且CSL不像加拿大联邦,除开职业列表以外的都不要澳洲只要你分数够,哪怕是50分40分职业,一样可以移民就是审理的时间比较长,但是再长,VO是有时间考核的除非特殊原因,比如VO休假(这个比较汗)或者背景调查出问题否则从分到VO开始必需在三个月内结案,这就让很多非MODL非CSL的申请人爽了N多了最长也不过等三个月嘛不像加拿大联邦现在,只要38类,其它都不要点击展开...澳洲移民局通过一段时间的调查,把目前MODL表格上最紧缺的一些职业整理后出台了CSL表格。可以看得出,同时在MODL和CSL表上都出现的职业,移民将会被优先处理,整个审理时间会大大加快,所以移民将会更有保障;而如果只有在MODL上出现,CSL上并没有的话,虽然目前的政策并没有影响其移民的条件,但是整个移民的审理过程将会被大大放慢或滞后,具体需要多久移民局并没有定论。加拿大就是仿效澳洲搞出来的227新政,这俩国家移民局都够变态的,半斤八两。 谁有那么多时间无限期等下去呀~
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