加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民澳洲今年临时削减7000个配额后,看看使馆对申请
As DIAC currently cut 14% of skill migration quota every year, CSL list apply and cut 10% DIAC staff, it seems that all current lodged applications would be delayed for a longer period than before, how long it would be, no one could give an exacted time, even case officer in DIAC could not give us any clear idea.
Disclaimer:以上发或回帖只代表ID为“非洲之夜”的观点,如触犯各位看官利益请与此ID联系。与其马甲下的本人无关回复: 澳洲今年临时削减7000个配额后,看看使馆对申请时间的回复DIAC就是移民局,说明一下。
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