加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?
一切从零开始,每天前进一小步。回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?以职业描述为主
09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?有没有大学辅导员成功申请的?说说你的NOC定位,都快抓狂了
一切从零开始,每天前进一小步。回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?main duty是啥就是啥
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?你的学校是否授予学位?
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?可以授予学位,是211院校
一切从零开始,每天前进一小步。回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?感觉是4121吧不过“助理教师”不太容易和国外的职称对应我的那段被我定义为4122了
回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?只会给Lecturer的职位。点击展开...Lecturer属于4121
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?4121职责描述中明确要给本科生和研究生上课,我只给本科生上课,是不是只能定位为4131,但4131是college, 不是university,该怎么办呢?University professors teach courses to undergraduate and graduate students and conduct research at universities and degree-granting colleges. University professors who are heads of departments are included in this unit group.
一切从零开始,每天前进一小步。4121职责描述中明确要给本科生和研究生上课,我只给本科生上课,是不是只能定位为4131,但4131是college, 不是university,该怎么办呢?University professors teach courses to undergraduate and graduate students and conduct research at universities and degree-granting colleges. University professors who are heads of departments are included in this unit group.点击展开...哥们你看错地方了Main dutiesUniversity professors perform some or all of the following duties: Teach one or more university subjects to undergraduate and graduate studentsPrepare and deliver lectures to students and conduct laboratory sessions or discussion groupsPrepare, administer and grade examinations, laboratory assignments and reportsAdvise students on course and academic matters and career decisionsDirect research programs of graduate students and advise on research mattersConduct research in field of specialization and publish findings in scholarly journals or booksMay serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative dutiesMay represent their universities as speakers and guest lecturersMay provide professional consultative services to government, industry and private individuals.University professors specialize in a particular subject matter such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, sociology, business administration or law.
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404哥们你看错地方了Main duties University professors perform some or all of the following duties: Teach one or more university subjects to undergraduate and graduate studentsPrepare and deliver lectures to students and conduct laboratory sessions or discussion groupsPrepare, administer and grade examinations, laboratory assignments and reportsAdvise students on course and academic matters and career decisionsDirect research programs of graduate students and advise on research mattersConduct research in field of specialization and publish findings in scholarly journals or booksMay serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative dutiesMay represent their universities as speakers and guest lecturersMay provide professional consultative services to government, industry and private individuals.University professors specialize in a particular subject matter such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, sociology, business administration or law.点击展开...是AND不是OR,也就是说给本科生和研究生上课两个条件缺一不可,可我只给本科生上课,其他条件感觉偏向于研究多一些
一切从零开始,每天前进一小步。你也是辅导员吗?我的主要工作是学生管理,给本科生上课只是很小的一个方面,所以定位为4121有顾虑,感觉4121要求很高。点击展开...Advise students on course and academic matters and career decisions May serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative duties 这俩应该有吧?
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404Advise students on course and academic matters and career decisions May serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative duties 这俩应该有吧?点击展开...谢谢!给你加声望了!
一切从零开始,每天前进一小步。回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?不客气还有我个人认为不用执著于and还是or前半句Teach one or more university subjects难道教1科的必须是本科和研究生一起上的课?!呵呵~令据某人说是否符合4121重要的是是不是有两个职责教学、科研、管理三选二不知道是不是可信
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 大学辅导员如何进行职业定位?4121or4131?我和你一样,着急啊!
请帮忙支招http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=246917不客气还有我个人认为不用执著于and还是or前半句Teach one or more university subjects难道教1科的必须是本科和研究生一起上的课?!呵呵~令据某人说是否符合4121重要的是是不是有两个职责教学、科研、管理三选二不知道是不是可信点击展开...
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