加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港到底要不要出生证明
No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one person you can be completely stupid with.回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明我们递料的时候 一个都 不能少,两大人一个孩子的出生公证。。。。。
又想回北美游一圈,买点儿名牌和电子产品,。。。回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明都要
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明官方文档说不用, 就是不用中介说要, 自然有中介的道理, 反正跑腿花钱的事情又不关他事....只是嘴巴动一动...多轻松
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明不要,20090309的补料checklist上只写了孩子的,和老版的要求全家出生证明的不一样。我就只交了小孩的,新的补料信没要我补大人的
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明理论上不要,最好有,省的麻烦!操HKVO!
2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明补料信和checklist上都没有说要大人的出生公证。中介从哪里的渠道听来的?胡诌吧
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明晕死 现在还问这种问题出生公证绝对不能少
生命在于折腾!!!回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明可以不要,北京一定要!1、 FORMS - Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM0008) (completed and signed by me) 6 Photos each of my daughter's, my spouse's and mine in an envelope8 Address labels- Schedule 1: Background Declaration (completed and signed by my spouse and me) Addendum I to Schedule 1: my personal historyAddendum II to Schedule 1: my addressesAddendum III to Schedule 1: my spouse’s personal history- Supplement to Schedule 1: Background Declaration (completed and signed by my spouse)- Schedule 3: Economic Class-Federal Skilled Workers (completed and signed by me) - Additional Family Information (IMM5406) (completed and signed by my spouse and me) 2、 IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS - A notarized certificate copy for my family Household Registers (HUKOU) - A notarized certificate copy of my birth - A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s birth- A notarized certificate copy of my daughter’s birth- A notarized certificate copy of my marriage certificate- A copy of my spouse’s personal ID and its English translation- A copy of my personal ID and its English translation3、 EDUCATION/TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS - A CADGEDC credentials report of my bachelor degree - A CADGEDC credentials report of my university diploma - A CADGEDC credentials report of my transcript - A CADGEDC credentials report of my spouse’s university diploma - A CADGEDC credentials report of my spouse’s transcriptNote: After we receive your file number, we will notify the CADGEDC authority send you another original credentials reports upon your request. - A notarized certificate copy of my university diploma and bachelor degree - A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s university diploma - My university transcript in a university-sealed envelope- My spouse’s university transcript in a university-sealed envelope4、 WORK EXPERIENCE - A notarized certificate copy of my work experience from 1990 to 2006- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 1990 to 1996 - A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 1996 to 2004- A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- My explanation letter for the above reference letter- Documents about my work experience in Hong Kong- Documents about my work experience in Germany- A Letter of reference introducing my work experience from 2004 to 2006 - A business card of the person who signed the above reference letter- A notarized certificate copy of my spouse’s work experience from 1991 to 20065、 PROOF OF LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY - An original IELTS report form 6、 SETTLEMENT FUNDS - An original Certificate of Deposit 7、 POLICE CETIFICATES AND CLEARANCES - A notarized certificate of my non-criminality in China- A notarized certificate of my spouse’s non-criminality in China- A Certificate of Good Conduct and its English translation copy for my experience in Germany- A Certificate of Good Conduct and its English translation copy for my spouse’s experience in Germany- Original envelope sent from the authority of Germany concerning Certificate of Good Conduct- Copies of my spouse’s and my Application Forms for Certificate of Conduct issued by General Consulate of Germany in Shanghai, ChinaNote: After I receive your instruction letter, I will apply and ask the Hong Kong authority send you my Certificate of Good Conduct for my experience in Hong Kong upon your request.8、 FEE PAYMENT- Method of Payment form with my signature (Application payment by my Visa credit card)9、 OTHER DOCUMENTS- Self-assessment form - Checklist- A copy of my passport - A copy of my spouse’s passport - A copy of my daughter’s passport
2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。 赏 反馈:1人 2009-05-18#10 190 $0.00 回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明晕, HK有没人没交大人出生证明,然后又ME了的呢?有经验的TZ来说说
No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one person you can be completely stupid with.回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明HK有没有ME的? 赶快出来给楼上说说!
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明按照新的香港补料要求,是不需要大人出生公证的!
08.3.25, Forms Received; 08.10.17, FN; 09.3.19, S2; 09.9.18, ME; 10.10.26, 2nd ME; 10.12.28, MER; 10.12.29, PL; 11.3.8, DM; 11.3.15, VISA Arrived移民博客――枫情蒙特利尔@光阴故事 飞行地图――梦想环游世界@蓝图初展按照新的香港补料要求,是不需要大人出生公证的!点击展开...对
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明大人做户口公正,小孩要出生公证。
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明搞不懂为啥要大人的出生公证。不是生的还能是哪来的呢?
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明HK有没有ME的? 赶快出来给楼上说说!点击展开...偶新的补料信没有要求补大人的出生公证还不说明问题么?
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明权威答案:香港2006年某次更新补料清单,就开始不需要大人的出生证公证了,只要求小孩的。到现在还是这样要求。北京则一直是要求提供所有申请人的出生证公证的。有些人(或中介)说要,是因为他们业务没更新(而且跟客户回答说“要”,对他们来说最保险!明白了吧!)如果对我这个答案持怀疑态度的,请举实证反驳;如果想说“是吗?好象不是哦~~~”、“可是有人跟我说bla bla bla”……的同学,请你们节省论坛资源,不要回帖。呵呵~~~
回复: 香港到底要不要出生证明楼上说的不错.
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