根据自己的材料,感觉自己有很大可能被面试,所以想看看同志们是不是都有那句话。 Status of your applicationExplanationINPROCESS(A decision has not been made yet.) Application Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.Documentation Verified by CICWe are reviewing your application to make sure it is complete and that no documents are missing. We will return incomplete applications for resubmission.An Interview May be RequiredWe will review the application and decide if an interview is necessary. If so, we will inform you in writing of the date, time and location of the interview. 在想,这是"IN PROCESS"所包含的内容,还是不同申请者要经历的阶段。 比如,可能有些人就没有最后这段相关“An Interview May be Required”呢? 谢谢大家
生命在于折腾!!!根据自己的材料,感觉自己有很大可能被面试,所以想看看同志们是不是都有那句话。 Status of your applicationExplanationINPROCESS(A decision has not been made yet.) Application Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.Documentation Verified by CICWe are reviewing your application to make sure it is complete and that no documents are missing. We will return incomplete applications for resubmission.An Interview May be RequiredWe will review the application and decide if an interview is necessary. If so, we will inform you in writing of the date, time and location of the interview. 在想,这是"IN PROCESS"所包含的内容,还是不同申请者要经历的阶段。 比如,可能有些人就没有最后这段相关“An Interview May be Required”呢? 谢谢大家点击展开...最近日期栏老在变,前面一次是 Date Modified: 2009-04-17,最新的变动是 Date Modified: 2009-05-13
一把茶壶左手,一副鱼杆右手 观深秋山脚枫叶 拂初夏湖畔清风 good good study day day up 赏

21,405 $0.00 回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?没见过这些文字哦~!评论

2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。没见过这些文字哦~!点击展开...点“IN PROCESS" 进去后,三面有三个选项 选OUTSIDE CANADA
生命在于折腾!!!根据自己的材料,感觉自己有很大可能被面试,所以想看看同志们是不是都有那句话。 Status of your applicationExplanationINPROCESS(A decision has not been made yet.) Application Received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.Documentation Verified by CICWe are reviewing your application to make sure it is complete and that no documents are missing. We will return incomplete applications for resubmission.An Interview May be RequiredWe will review the application and decide if an interview is necessary. If so, we will inform you in writing of the date, time and location of the interview. 在想,这是"IN PROCESS"所包含的内容,还是不同申请者要经历的阶段。 比如,可能有些人就没有最后这段相关“An Interview May be Required”呢? 谢谢大家点击展开...点击in process,下面有个链接,进去后都会有这段话,这只是对in process和withdraw、DM等术语的解释罢了。楼主安啦!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ME后08.12.15变7 | 09.1.23变12 | 7.15变13 | 7.20 CIC DM | 7.23变17 | 7.24收到大信封毕业点击in process,下面有个链接,进去后都会有这段话,这只是对in process和withdraw、DM等术语的解释罢了。楼主安啦!点击展开... 那我就安啦
生命在于折腾!!!最近日期栏老在变,前面一次是 Date Modified: 2009-04-17,最新的变动是 Date Modified: 2009-05-13点击展开...这个对所有人都适用,和每个人都没有关系 只是说这个网站的内容在这些日期有人维护吧。
在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。 赏

回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?过敏了点击展开...有个瓜不就认为我可能面试吗?呵呵,所以完全不是过敏。
生命在于折腾!!!回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?分分感谢大家回贴啦!
生命在于折腾!!!回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?下面三个联接只是告诉你CIC升级后的新状态各代表什么意思而已.如果你是技术移民,看的是federal skill worker那个选项吧.
回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?哦
回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?那看来,我现在是在这一步啦:“An Interview May be RequiredWe will review the application and decide if an interview is necessary. If so, we will inform you in writing of the date, time and location of the interview.”如果不需要安排面试,接下来就是发me了(因为我是绝对够分了,材料也是全部真实的)
生命在于折腾!!!回复: 大家进度查询栏中都是这样的吗?楼主放心了,人家只是说“如果”。
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