加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民如获取AEO,却不获移民加分会怎么办?
如果成功获取了AEO,但移民局却不加15分,怎么办. 会出现这种情况吗? 如果出现这种情况,是否AEO费用都不退回? 如不方便在这回答,请发悄悄话. 正考虑是否办AEO,谢谢了
09-06-01 办理AEO ~如果成功获取了AEO,但移民局却不加15分,怎么办. 会出现这种情况吗? 如果出现这种情况,是否AEO费用都不退回? 如不方便在这回答,请发悄悄话. 正考虑是否办AEO,谢谢了点击展开...加拿大政府疑为密谋消减移民人数移民部担心有人以假外劳身分来加然后申请移民,跳过去年起对技术移民实施的较严申请要求。打假行动特?针对中小企业,因?据信他们较容易串谋作假。 移民部对具体做法守口如瓶,但关注者恐怕真外劳的申请遭到妨碍,更担心移民事务的连串打假行动另有目的。 保守党政府去年7月宣布?修法防堵假结婚移民而遭大部分移民律师反对,移民部长康尼今年3月宣布对移民顾问的弄虚作假?零容忍政策,现在又向假外劳宣战,令人担心保守党是否像批评者所称,有限制移民的脎密议程(hidden agenda)。 自经济陷入衰退以来,一再传出联邦?削减移民的消息,但均在移民部否认下不了了之,过程中却显示批评者对限制外劳较能接受。譬如今年2月传出这类消息时,新民主党华裔国会议员邹至蕙表示移民部可向外劳开刀,但不应削减移民名额。 持工作签证前来的外劳在加工作一、两年后,有机会申请成?移民。关注者担心移民部以打击假外劳?名,限制移民?实。特?是康尼声称不会减少外劳,可能是避免触怒大企业,现在以中小企业?严审对象,便不致投鼠忌器。 移民律师葛林(Shoshana Green)也担心,打假措施会使真正合资格的外劳丧失移民机会。据极具?议性的C50法案所通过而溯自去年2月27日实行的新措施,技术移民申请者须属於移民部长胗时因应情势所订定的38个职业类?才可保证申请受理,但若已获本地雇主聘用的外劳则可不受此限。 此外在移民计分方面,若已获本地雇主聘用可获额外15分,一些比如教育得分较低者可望由此达到67分合格门槛,收紧外劳审批恐会剥夺这些申请者的机会。
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!回复: 如获取AEO,却不获移民加分会怎么办?cokey,您好!已经通过悄悄话回复你了,请注意查收,如有问题,保持联系了!提前祝端午节快乐!
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回复: 如获取AEO,却不获移民加分会怎么办?加拿大已明确今年配额不变: Canada to maintain immigration levels for 2009 Having met with his provincial and territorial counterparts to study the demand for immigration in regional labour markets, Minister Kenney has announced that the need for immigration remains strong in Canada. Immigration levels for 2009 will therefore not be reduced. Though Canada has not been immune to rising unemployment numbers in the current economic down turn, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)has decided that immigration numbers will not be reduced for 2009, maintaining a target of approximately 250,000 new Permanent Residents. “Canada is facing a long-term labour shortage so the government is not going to turn off the immigration tap only to have to turn it back on later,” stated Minister Kenney. British Columbia and Alberta alone are going to need an additional 600,000 foreign workers over the next five years, he went on to say, as aging workers retire and their economies continue to expand. Canadian population and labour force growth rely heavily on immigration. A recent Statistics Canada demographic report credits net international migration as the main driver of population and labour force growth. “There continue to be acute labour market short agesin certain businesses, certain industries and certain regions. And our government believes that the worst thing we could do during this time of economic difficulty is to starve those employers who are growing of the labour they need to fuel their prosperity.” The good news for now is that, according to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, “We have no plans in Canada, nor are we under any pressure, to reduce immigration in any way during the recession.”点击展开...机会依然存在!让我们共同努力,实现移民枫叶之国之美好梦想吧!
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