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Employment contracts signed by the principal applicant for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form.我的理解是,无论10年与否,只要你列在任何一张表单上的工作经历,都要提供合同。这种理解对吗?另外,original letter of reference,这里orignal到底怎么理解?
回复: 请帮助step-brothers又是什么意思?姐夫好像是law-brother.
回复: 请帮助Employment contracts signed by the principal applicant for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form.我的理解是,无论10年与否,只要你列在任何一张表单上的工作经历,都要提供合同。这种理解对吗?另外,original letter of reference,这里orignal到底怎么理解?点击展开...问题一:你的理解我不是很理解。这就是要求你10年内所有工作的合同。我目前没有发现有表格要求列10年以外的工作,所以,应该就是10年内的合同。问题二:提供原件。问题三:step-brothers,字典里有吧。继父母以前的孩子。
回复: 请帮助Employment contracts signed by the principal applicant for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present(雇佣合同签署by主申for每一个职位在过去的10年中截至今日) and(关键是这个and) which they list on their application form(and 那些你列在申请表中的).但愿我理解错了,请大家发表意见
回复: 请帮助忘了说明,这是S2阶段北京补料说明书SW_DOCUMENT_LIST_EN.pdf中关于working experience的要求
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