加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民重新递交申请, 需要解释信(推荐信)吗? 急需帮助
我是去年10月底递交的申请,11月份拿到FN, 因为女儿出生,所以前几天发信去问如何递交女儿材料, 今天却收到email说不符合职业要求, 这真是太奇怪了, 本人在一家知名外企做了7年的finance manager, 其实就是自己填的时候没有看NOC的duty描述, 自己随便填的. 真的不知道该如何是好. 希望大家给与帮助, 还可以继续申请吗, 重新递交申请, 需要解释信(推荐信)吗?下面是收到的回信. You have indicated that you have work experience in an occupation with the following NOC (National Occupational Classification) code: 0111, Finance Manager. Although this NOC code corresponds to the occupations specified in the instructions identified by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008, the main duties that you have listed do not indicate that you performed the actions described in the lead statement and a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the NOC, including all of the essential duties. As such, I am not satisfied that your experience corresponds to NOC 0111, Financial Managers. Your application is therefore not eligible to be processed.
2009/8/4 Sydney; 2011/1/7变17毕业!!回复: 重新递交申请, 需要解释信(推荐信)吗? 急需帮助, 谢谢!不需要推荐信,可以写信解释一下。你的案子说明一个问题,移民的事情看起来简单,最好还是找个内行人帮忙。
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