EG7和北京补料里面的说法似乎并不一致,先把原文摘抄下来:EG7Photos 1. Take the Photo Specifications sheet (found in Appendix B of the Visa Office specific instructions) to a photographer.2. Ask the photographer to provide you with the number of photos required in Appendix A of the Visa Office specific instructions for yourself and each family member.3. On the back of one photo of each person, write the name of the person in the photo and his or her height and eye color.4. Enclose the photos of each person in an envelope and seal the envelope.5. Write your name and date of birth on the outside of the envelope.6. If the CIO advises you to submit your application to a visa office for further assessment, staple the envelope to your application form. Be careful not to stale or bend the photos. [FONT=宋体]北京补料[/FONT]Four photos of the principal applicant and each family member, whether they are accompanying the principal applicant to Canada or not. All photos should be placed in an envelope and names should be clearly indicated on the back of pictures with pen or pencil. Please do not use felt markers and do not staple the photos. [FONT=宋体]补料的照片到底应该怎么准备呢?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]按照[/FONT]EG7[FONT=宋体]的说法,每个人“其中一张”照片的反面要写名字、身高和眼睛颜色,每个人的照片封一个信封,信封上写姓名和出生日期。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]按照北京补料的说法,每个人每张照片后要用钢笔或铅笔写名字,然后装入信封。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]置顶帖上看到过,有同学因为在照片背面写字而被退料的,有点搞糊涂了,到底应该怎么准备呢?[/FONT]
6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 关于补料照片的问题BJ 要求的补料说明 就1个,没什么好比较的。
回复: 关于补料照片的问题楼上的意思,EG7要求可以视而不见?
6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 关于补料照片的问题没错。
Life is a long discovery 北京面试经历及交通住宿攻略温哥华Downtown感受冬奥回复: 关于补料照片的问题学习
予人玫瑰,手留余香温哥华生活一个月汇报http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=377155温哥华长登记录http://forum.iask.to/showthread.php?t=646437回复: 关于补料照片的问题应该以VISA OFFICE的为准,HK明确规定了不准在背面写:Please: enclose 6 photographs in an envelope; place photographs of different individuals in separate envelopes; do not write at back of the photographs; write down individual's name on the envelope; do not staple, scratch, bend or leave any ink mark on the photographs.
Enjoying everyday应该以VISA OFFICE的为准,HK明确规定了不准在背面写:Please: enclose 6 photographs in an envelope; place photographs of different individuals in separate envelopes; do not write at back of the photographs; write down individual's name on the envelope; do not staple, scratch, bend or leave any ink mark on the photographs.点击展开...正解,因为到时候审你case的是北京
我的blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/canadaimmi 我的MSN:[email protected]我的QQ:1042462471回复: 关于补料照片的问题谢谢LS的,总算明白了。原来照片背面写字被退料,是HK的CASE,这下清楚了。就按北京补料要求做了。
6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 关于补料照片的问题
回复: 关于补料照片的问题以北京为准,这个不会错。
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