匆匆忙忙地RN就来了,准备补料。没看到哪里有写补料要地址签,不过以前看帖子好像有tx提到。 请问认真做功课的tongxue, 补料还要提交地址签么?
回复: 请问:补料还要提交地址签么?已补料,不需要。
回复: 请问:补料还要提交地址签么?HK好像需要的,反正我是提交了
一切都会过去 赏

2008.3.20 E175 ACCOUNTANT CSL ~ 2009.10.13 OZ PR Granted2009.6.2 NOC1111 ~ 2009.10.27 CA PR Granted2010.4.3 短登OZ Sydney-Melbourne-Gold Coast-Brisbane-Whitsundays2010.7.19 长登CA Toronto 赏

回复: 请问:补料还要提交地址签么?谢谢大家的回复。答案很确定,嘿嘿!
回复: 请问:补料还要提交地址签么?北京补料不要,然后等到ME来了再交护照的时候是要的--------------------------------------------------------------------------------真的不需要么?我怎么看北京的list上要求4张地址贴啊,大家用的是哪里的list补料的?请告知下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled-mission.aspAsia/PacificBeijing, China PDF, 219 KB http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E37155.pdf14. ENVELOPES OR LABELSFour (4) mailing labels or envelopes with postal codes. The labels or envelopesmust contain your mailing address in both Chinese characters and in pinyin. 15. PHOTO REQUIREMENTSSupply six (6) photos for each member of your family and yourself. Follow theinstructions provided in section How to Complete the Forms of the applicationguide and in Appendix B: Photo Specifications. Mailing Your ApplicationPlace all of your documents in a sealed envelope and mail or deliver them to:The Canadian Embassy19 Dong Zhi Men Wai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing 100600The People’s Republic of ChinaAny financial claims you make may be confirmed with the National Tax Bureau or other related governmentbureaus. Above copied documents must be submitted with your application and originals of all documentsrequested must be brought to the interview.Mailing addressAll mail should be sent to (this address should be the same as the mailing address on your application form): My mailing address in China (in Chinese characters, include postal code) To my consultant or lawyer at his/her address in China (in Chinese characters, includepostal code) To my consultant/lawyer in Canada.Name: ______________________________________________________________________________Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Postal Code: _______________If you choose the first option please inform your consultant or lawyer of your decision.If you choose either the second or third option we must still have at least one copy of your address in Chinesecharacters for our records. You must also include form Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) to yourapplication.
回复: 请问:补料还要提交地址签么?回复: 补料前夕~还是要老生重谈一下~到底是SW还是E37155??? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------tinyhuhu 夺命书生BJ和HK均用各大使馆本地的要求清单。CIC的要求清单仅作为一个参考(因为那个文件是给全世界加拿大移民的参考,只具有一般性[generalized],并不具有针对性和强制约束性[neither specified nor mandatory])。楼主这下清楚了吧这下清楚了,谢谢诸位!
回复: 请问:补料还要提交地址签么?我补料时顺便给了地址签,FN信和ME信都是用的我给的新地址签。北京的。
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