加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT-227以前旧证尚未体检的请看过来。
ZT香港板块最新来自移民部的消息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=270329 [FONT=宋体]加拿大移民部将大量[/FONT]227[FONT=宋体]前移民积案([/FONT]510[FONT=宋体],[/FONT]000[FONT=宋体])向各省转移,要求通过申请“州提名项目”来加快移民进程,获得提名者有可能在[/FONT]12-18[FONT=宋体]月内解决移民问题,否则要拖延好几年;对于已经接进展到体检以后的进程的案子,原则上不受影响。申请省提名者,不需要缴纳任何费用。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]……[/FONT]There are approximately 510,000 federal Skilled Worker Class applicants currently in the federal application inventory. Changes were made last year that will give priority processing for Skilled Worker applicants received on or after February 27, 2008 that are either in priority occupations or have arranged employment. Applications received prior to February 27, 2009, such as yours, will be processed over the next few years.
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