回复: 推荐信!To whom it may concernXXX ( Your name)She/he work at XXXFrom:...To :...Position:XXXThis is to certify that Mrs... is one of the brightest young woman I have ever know. She has cooking under my direction for ten month.Her work hs been entirely satisfactory and she is very reliable. She also bears an excellent character and she standing in the community is unquestionable.I dare say that XXX will be able to proven herself of real to whoever employs her.XXX is leaving us of her own accord and we wish her success in life ( If you only left this company you can use this sentence)Your sincerely,XXX (Signature)Your positionIf it is useful for you, please add me more scores, thanks!
10年9月14日签,11月24日商签, 2011年2月18日面,2012年7月13日预提名,11月8日正式提名,2013年1月29日FN,8月2日IP,8月26日ME, 9月9日MER,10月29号补料,2014年1月7号PL,1月28日DM2月7日毕业,315登陆!To whom it may concern XXX ( Your name)She/he work at XXX From:...To :... Position:XXX This is to certify that Mrs... is one of the brightest young woman I have ever know. She has cooking under my direction for ten month. Her work hs been entirely satisfactory and she is very reliable. She also bears an excellent character and she standing in the community is unquestionable. I dare say that XXX will be able to proven herself of real to whoever employs her. XXX is leaving us of her own accord and we wish her success in life ( If you only left this company you can use this sentence) Your sincerely, XXX (Signature) Your position If it is useful for you, please add me more scores, thanks!点击展开...不错!学习了!加声望了!
2008.6.4简表----->2010.1.26通知补料(快要放弃了)--->2010.3.8补料妥投成功-->2010.6.03变成5 ->2010.06.05港澳体检->2010.06.07护照和登陆费妥投->6.21变8了->等待大信封啊! 赏

2007-12-19 邮寄,2008-03-03 扣款,2008-07-29 FN签发,2008-08-07收到,VO:KTA回复: 推荐信!thanks a lot
2006.9.2 递简表 ―― 2007.2.7 FN (MAC) ―― 2012.2.12 收到S2补料信 ―― 2012.5.23 S2递料 ―― 2012.6.20 电子ME ―― 2012.6.22 ME回执/主动寄护照 ―― 2012.7.3 DM ―― 2012.7.15 收到大信封 ―― 2012.10 短登温哥华
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