加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?
3.1 Original bank statements as proof of unencumbered funds available for transfer to Canada. 在3.1项里,这个“unencumbered”大家都是怎么理解的?我去银行开具证明时,应该冻结3个月,6各月,还是开那种不用冻结的呢? 下面是网络连接http://www.ci.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/funds.asp 我节选了一部分,大家看看给点建议。特别是已经开具银行证明的TZ,麻烦回复小弟一下。多谢 Skilled workers and professionals: Who can apply―Proof of funds The Government of Canada does not provide financial support to new skilled worker immigrants. You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants after you arrive in Canada. You cannot borrow this money from another person. You must be able to use this money to support the costs of living for your family. You will need to provide proof of your funds to the Canadian visa office in your home country when you submit your application for immigration. The amount of money you need to support your family is determined by the size of your family. These amounts are updated every year.
回复: 提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?unencumbered就是说可以自由支配不受限制的资金, 个人理解三个月,六个月都可以,六个月更好. 但不能开没有冻结的.
回复: 提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?昨天刚办,有冻结的意思就是转成定期的。
回复: 提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?请教:个人理解冻结没有利息,定期是有利息的,是不是这样?
回复: 提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?银行只能为定期存款开存款证明,冻结期由你定,但在冻结期内你不能提前支取,除非你将存款证明原件还给他们。
回复: 提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?请教:个人理解冻结没有利息,定期是有利息的,是不是这样?点击展开...冻结期内利息照付!
回复: 提问关于开具bank statements的冻结期?谢谢Luchychen!
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