加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民看来227之后,很快就会有人欢喜有人忧了!
CIC的动作这次异常的快(内容引自CIC官网)Consultations on immigration prioritiesOn June 18, 2008, Parliament approved changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) to improve Canada’s immigration system. The new law allows the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to issue instructions to prioritize certain categories of applications received on or after February 27, 2008, and to return, unprocessed, applications that do not meet the priorities. It is important to note that our objectives for family reunification and refugee protection will not be affected. Instructions are meant to achieve three major goals:Improve Canada’s competitiveness and more closely align the skills of newcomers with Canada’s labour shortagesEnsure that immigration targets are metEnsure that the backlog does not grow, and that people who apply to come to Canada receive a decision quicklyThe Minister has stated that her instructions will be fair, open and transparent, and will be developed using input from several sources. This summer, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is meeting with provinces and territories, as well as regional and national stakeholders across Canada, to gather some of this input. Consultation schedule* (meetings and videoconferences)July 7: St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador July 9: Halifax, Nova Scotia July 10: Fredericton, New Brunswick July 11: Charlottetown, Prince Edward IslandJuly 15: Vancouver, British Columbia July 16: Edmonton, AlbertaJuly 17-18: Winnipeg, Manitoba (and Saskatchewan)July 21-22: Toronto, OntarioTBD: Northwest Territories TBD: Nunavut TBD: Yukon August 15: National roundtable*Because Quebec exercises jurisdiction over immigrant selection under the Canada-Quebec Accord, there are no formal consultation sessions with this province. Instead, CIC officials will be holding an information session in Quebec.Discussion themesThe following themes will form the basis of the consultations: 1. The role of the immigration program in addressing specific labour market needs2. Occupational pressures in each participants’ workplace/industry/sector/regionShort term vs. medium termWhat skill levels do these occupations requireWhat barriers to accreditation must be addressed3. Federal skilled worker applications filed on or after February 27, 2008: prioritization of those applications meeting labour market needs, return of others.看最后一句吧,227后递交的,满足劳动力市场需求的优先处理,不满足的被退回!看了真的心冰凉,刚刚燃起的出国梦看来马上就要被浇灭了,因为我是做编辑的,英语再好也没用了!等着退回来吧,没办法,人的命天注定呀!再想别的办法了!
回复: 看来227之后,很快就会有人欢喜有人忧了!也不一定是坏事。如果真的是不符合当前加国的需要,跑来当一辈子累脖工,还真不如不要出来的好。况且,三十年后,到底是加国强大还是中国强大,还难说呢。
回复: 看来227之后,很快就会有人欢喜有人忧了!LS说的有道理
加拿大技术移民→DIY:群22825602(请注明,家园论坛)回复: 看来227之后,很快就会有人欢喜有人忧了!一年前的贴子也被刨坟了......
回复: 看来227之后,很快就会有人欢喜有人忧了!呵呵,你考的真好.我也来晒晒.5.30考雅,总分7.5;听力8.5; 阅读8; 口语6.5; 写作7. 6/28香港签收我补的材料.现在等待中...
回复: 看来227之后,很快就会有人欢喜有人忧了!呵呵
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