加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民放弃申请移民,移民局的电子邮件


放弃申请技术移民,移民局的回信。 Dear Sir or Madam: This refers to your recent enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence in Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker. Please be informed that your entire file has been transferred to the Centralized Intake Office in Sydney Nova Scotia, Canada for review. The Centralized Intake Office is responsible for assessing your application against the Ministerial Instructions issued November 28, 2008 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2008/2008-11-28a.asp). This office has not retained any information on your file. As a result, we are unable to respond to any case enquiries. If you have provided us with an update for your file we have forwarded this information to the Centralized Intake Office. All further updates or enquiries on your application should be directed to the office in Sydney, Nova Scotia (address below). Should you require some changes to your file which could affect your eligibility or record a change of address, please send your information to one of the addresses below. Mailing Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake OfficeP.O. BOX 7500Sydney, NS B1P 0A9Canada Courier Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake Office196 George StreetSydney, NS B1P 1J3Canada Due to the high volume of applications received it may take some time for your application to receive a determination. You will be contacted once a determination has been made by the Centralized Intake Office. Note: You will be receiving the complete refund of your fees from the Centralized Intake Office in due course. Please be patient. Sincerely, Canadian Embassy/Consulate General/High Commission

2008-10-24 EMS 北京 ,中行汇票2008-10-27 10:35:00 建国门局 妥投2008-11-09 收到FN回复: 放弃申请移民,移民局的电子邮件是不是材料已经到悉尼的,有关撤回和材料变更的,都必需直接和悉尼联系,而不需要再和北京大使馆联系呢?

能给孩子的只有三样东西:第一样是给他们尽可能最好的教育;第二样是树立一个好榜样;第三样是给他们世界上所有的爱!​通往加拿大的路,虽然艰难,但我会坚持!​是不是材料已经到悉尼的,有关撤回和材料变更的,都必需直接和悉尼联系,而不需要再和北京大使馆联系呢?点击展开...对,你的邮件对他们不起作用,你需要直接和悉尼联络, 他提供了地址,由于很多人发信,所以你只需要提醒一次就可以了,退款会耽搁一些时间,要你耐心等待. 仅此而已.

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