加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民质问信-模板
闲来无事,也是憋得胸闷,写点什么,大家觉得可以用就根据自己的需要发给香港。Dear madam or sir,I am writing to you since the Hongkong Visa Office has not started to review the simplified applications (not even a single candidate!!!) since it was introduced in 2006. I have emailed to inquiry the status and processing time and got following reply: "All applications received prior to February 27 2008 will be processed according to the regulations in place at the time. "I would like to ask how you can ensure that my case will be processed according to "the regulations in place at the time I applied" while you are preferentially processing the candidates who are under the occupations list in the Ministerial Instructions. The process priority you are following now is totally not fair to candidates like me at all since we will always be placed in lower priority, please kindly advice!
新生活,新起点,新目标,老样子回复: 质问信-模板支持楼主,不过“不公平”不是not fair,是unfair。
回复: 质问信-模板动员每个申请者都发一封信,给VO施压,每个九一前或九一后的都应该积极响应啊!不过,注意一点,邮件的标题,不应该是一样的,切记,切记。还请楼主,提供一下,香港使馆的邮件地址,以便各位同学发送啊!
回复: 质问信-模板支持!!!!!!!!!!
FN:2007-1-11自评70分,有亲属waiting ME VO:ISK我的ME在哪里?回复: 质问信-模板是的,支持!而且,最好每次发信,都同时发给加拿大相关政府部门,给他们施加压力!每周都发!说实话,俺都有些怒了!因为你香港可以不动,但你至少要给我们个回复,告诉我们你们的安排,让我们知道自己的案子大概何时会被审理! 而不是只让我们看毫无用处的以往进度! 我们虽然是小人物,但也需要有自己工作生活规划!而香港你这个烂样子,一切未知,让我们没有办法计划!!!!
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 质问信-模板英语有些拗口,语调也不太客气也---一家之言。
回复: 质问信-模板是的,支持!而且,最好每次发信,都同时发给加拿大相关政府部门,给他们施加压力!每周都发! 说实话,俺都有些怒了!因为你香港可以不动,但你至少要给我们个回复,告诉我们你们的安排,让我们知道自己的案子大概何时会被审理! 而不是只让我们看毫无用处的以往进度! 我们虽然是小人物,但也需要有自己工作生活规划!而香港你这个烂样子,一切未知,让我们没有办法计划!!!!点击展开...非常赞成~!呼吁大家都写信去“烦”VO们,引起他们的重视。
回复: 质问信-模板谢谢大家,措辞如有错误或是不妥之处请大家自己修改润色。另外烦劳发送的TX上来“吱”一声。香港邮件地址:[email protected] 香港传真:Immigration Fax: (852) 2847-7493邮寄地址:Consulate General of CanadaImmigration SectionG.P.O. Box 11142Hong KongChina (PRC)
新生活,新起点,新目标,老样子回复: 质问信-模板同意
长登montreal郊区brossard回复: 质问信-模板答案会是一成不变的标准格式。
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 质问信-模板试小改一下,但结构和用词仍然不是很恰当。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing as the Hongkong Visa Office has not started to review the simplified applications (not even a single case!!!) since it was introduced in 2006. I have emailed to inquire the status and processing time and got the following reply: "All applications received prior to February 27 2008 will be processed according to the regulations in place at the time. " I would like to ask how you can ensure that my case will be processed according to "the regulations in place at the time I applied" while you are preferentially processing the candidates who are under the occupations list in the Ministerial Instructions. The process priority you are giving to now is totally not fair to candidates like me at all since we will always be placed in lower priority.quote]
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 质问信-模板我觉得只有把意思表达清楚就可以了,没有必要用统一的模板。因为大家雅思都考过了,写封简单的询问信应该都没有什么问题。
回复: 质问信-模板试小改一下,但结构和用词仍然不是很恰当。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing as the Hongkong Visa Office has not started to review the simplified applications (not even a single case!!!) since it was introduced in 2006. I have emailed to inquire the status and processing time and got the following reply: "All applications received prior to February 27 2008 will be processed according to the regulations in place at the time. " I would like to ask how you can ensure that my case will be processed according to "the regulations in place at the time I applied" while you are preferentially processing the candidates who are under the occupations list in the Ministerial Instructions. The process priority you are giving to now is totally not fair to candidates like me at all since we will always be placed in lower priority.quote]点击展开...
移民行业十年看到tx们移民成功是我最大的快乐回复: 质问信-模板支持
·生活百科 出口有限按需
·生活百科 PV系统运行正确?