加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民say hello to 社区&请教学历加分


Hi, 新同学来报到,say hello to 社区 请教1。英国正规college 两年 HND证书会不会算年数? 英国一年正规大学(排名前20)硕士毕业。 请问这种情况学历 是22分吗?有没有25分的可能性?2。听说北京现在进度很快,请教我现在在英国工作,申请北京递表可行吗?(工作经验要在这里开,现在还要继续工作)非常感谢!

回复: say hello to 社区&请教学历加分听说没有本科学位,即使有硕士学位最多也是22分。请问这个有依据吗?我在网站上没有找到这一点规定。 请前辈指点谢谢!

回复: say hello to 社区&请教学历加分没有本科学位,有硕士学位也不能满足25分。EG7里面有说明。

回复: say hello to 社区&请教学历加分没有本科学位,有硕士学位也不能满足25分。EG7里面有说明。点击展开...非常感谢您的回复。EG7000里看到了:Use the chart below to determine your points. If you have not completed the number of years of study that correspond to your highest educational credential, award yourself points based on the number of years of study.Example 1: If you have a Master’s degree but have completed only 16 years of full-time study, award yourself 22 points.没有提到有没有本科学位的问题啊?从字面里理解,应以教育年限为准?不好意思,完全新手,麻烦您指点迷津,给个链接。再次感谢!

回复: say hello to 社区&请教学历加分a master's AND 17 years of FT education get you 25 pts. absence of either one knocks you down to 22ptsI think you get 22 bro..hope this helps

38项 NOC 1111, 评分68+4, Common-Law,6月15号09 寄出-->6月19号09妥投-->7月14号09解付 -->8月15号09RN 8月25号补料寄出a master's AND 17 years of FT education get you 25 pts. absence of either one knocks you down to 22ptsI think you get 22 bro..hope this helps点击展开...Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I do understand you have to have completed 17 years full-time study and have a postgraduate degree to score 25 points. But is it essential to have a first degree before you get a master's one? Cheers mate.

回复: say hello to 社区&请教学历加分Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I do understand you have to have completed 17 years full-time study and have a postgraduate degree to score 25 points. But is it essential to have a first degree before you get a master's one? Cheers mate.点击展开...what's HND? is it a 2-year or a 4-year degree?

38项 NOC 1111, 评分68+4, Common-Law,6月15号09 寄出-->6月19号09妥投-->7月14号09解付 -->8月15号09RN 8月25号补料寄出what's HND? is it a 2-year or a 4-year degree?点击展开...HND=Higher National Diploma, 相当于国内的大专。两年的。

回复: say hello to 社区&请教学历加分HND=Higher National Diploma, 相当于国内的大专。两年的。点击展开...hummm..this is an interesting one..I will run this by my imm. attorney and see what they say. you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but just curious..how could you get a master's without a 4-year bachelor?

38项 NOC 1111, 评分68+4, Common-Law,6月15号09 寄出-->6月19号09妥投-->7月14号09解付 -->8月15号09RN 8月25号补料寄出hummm..this is an interesting one..I will run this by my imm. attorney and see what they say. you don't have to answer if you don't want to, bust just curious..how could you get a master's without a 4-year bachelor?点击展开...国内正牌大学专科,英国正规college两年,成绩还可以,雅思发挥得比较好(8,7.5,6.5,7),就申请到了硕士。专升硕在英国很平常的(特别牛的大学除外)。英格兰的本科一般是三年制的。

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