加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民经验类(CEC) - 征婚
[FONT=楷体_GB2312]大家好:我是中国大连的复苏。我非常想到加拿大。但国内的中介只骗了我的钱。我又没有别的渠道。很想在这里征婚以婚姻的形式到那里定居和工作。我今年41岁,实际年龄是39岁,最后学历辽宁师范大学中文本科,但由于家庭原因,没能念到毕业。我会中医刮痧,参加过中医学院技能培训的专业培训。会美容技术,在国内做礼仪所以会鲜花花篮的制作,会东北厨艺,传统厨艺。我是孤儿,没家属,是虔诚的基督教徒,征婚不成商婚或有管吃住的工作,无薪水也可。如有能和我开开心心携手余生的是最理想的。他的年龄可以在45----65岁之间。我的联系方式qq:894391714 邮箱:[email protected][/FONT]Hello everyone: I am a Chinese Dalian recovery. I very much think of Canada. But the intermediary only cheated my money. I have no other channels. Wanted to here the form of marriage to marriage to live and work there. I am 41 years old this year, the actual age is 39 years old, the last of Liaoning Normal University Chinese undergraduate education, but because of family reasons, not able to read to graduation. I will scrape Chinese medicine, medical schools have participated in skills training in professional training. Will Cosmetology technology, etiquette to do so in the domestic basket of flowers will be the production of flowers will be north-east cuisine, traditional cuisine. My orphans are not family members are devout Christians, marriage is not to get married or have possession of the work room and board, no wages can be. Where can I join the rest of his life happily is the best. His age can be between the ages of 45 ---- 65. Contact us my qq: 894391714 E-mail: [email protected]
回复: 征婚这个要顶一下
回复: 征婚可以不要中介的呀 DIY
睡觉睡到自然醒,数钱数到手抽筋2007-12-19递表HK2008-3-3扣款2008-8-5 FN回复: 征婚才艺不少!呵呵……
快乐生活!生活快乐!回复: 征婚bbsren121, 我们意识到您从未在家园论坛上发贴,今天为什么不打破坚冰发你第一个贴子,say hello to社区呢?------这种欢迎仪式也太隆重了,还以为刚注册就被人肉了。- -顶,楼主
回复: 征婚支持LZ
回复: 征婚楼主的头像实在是太有才了!!
回复: 征婚建议楼主走宗教移民(具体什么名字?)
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