加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民北京使馆的一点普通信息
最近太闷了,从CIC找了点有意思的东西Audit of the Immigration Program at theCanadian Mission in BeijingAudit ReportInternal Audit and Accountability BranchCitizenship and Immigration CanadaOctober 2008The Beijing mission, an RPC, is one of the largest visa offices in Canada’s overseas network. The visa section has a large complement of staff as follows:15 Canada-based officers (CBOs);8 locally engaged officers; and69 locally engaged staff (LES).Appendix A presents the Beijing organizational chart on September 1, 2007. 可惜这个组织结构图看不到。下面这个统计信息有点意思Table 1. Beijing Statistics 200720062005Number % Change Number% ChangeNumberPermanent Resident ApplicationsTarget9,050-2.6%9,290-14.8%10,900Visas Issued19,077-2.3%9,288-17.7%11,284Inventory223,470-9.4%21,451-15,8%25,468Applications Received38,73129.3%6,75042.9%4,725最近太闷了,从CIC找了点有意思的东西Audit of the Immigration Program at theCanadian Mission in BeijingAudit ReportInternal Audit and Accountability BranchCitizenship and Immigration CanadaOctober 2008The Beijing mission, an RPC, is one of the largest visa offices in Canada’s overseas network. The visa section has a large complement of staff as follows:15 Canada-based officers (CBOs); 8 locally engaged officers; and 69 locally engaged staff (LES). Appendix A presents the Beijing organizational chart on September 1, 2007. 可惜这个组织结构图看不到。下面这个统计信息有点意思,有点乱,最好去看原链接吧。Table 1. Beijing Statistics 2007 2006 2005 Number % Change Number % Change Number Permanent Resident Applications Target 9,050 -2.6% 9,290 -14.8% 10,900 Visas Issued 9,077 -2.3% 9,288 -17.7% 11,284 Inventory 23,470 -9.4% 21,451 -15,8% 25,468 Applications Received 8,731 29.3% 6,750 42.9% 4,725
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 北京使馆的一点普通信息15个Canada-based officers 是什么概念?多还是少
回复: 北京使馆的一点普通信息感谢分享!
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!回复: 北京使馆的一点普通信息从上面看,05~07的永居移民配额似乎一直比申请人数多
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