管他回不回,怎么回,我写我的。感谢坛子里的高手的模板。Dear Honorable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism:I am writing to you in hopes of raising your concerns regarding high volume of “Permanent Residence under Skilled workers and professionals’ class applications” backlog submitted before February 27, 2008 to Hong Kong visa office. The Hong Kong Visa Office has not started to review the simplified applications (not even a single case) since it was introduced in 2006. I have emailed to inquire the status and processing time and got the following reply: "All applications received prior to February 27 2008 will be processed according to the regulations in place at the time.” lately. Canada is a very beautiful country and a model of democracy around the world for her transparency and fairness of government’s actions, candidates like me have been waiting for such a long time with a dream that one day we can start our new life there. Unfortunately, my dream seems is shattered somewhat. Before February 27, 2008, immigration cases were supposed to be processed in the order of their receipt by CIC offices, on the “first come first serve” basis. However the reality is our cases have been indefinite delayed while Hong Kong visa office is preferentially processing the candidates who are under the occupations list in the Ministerial Instructions as cases submitted before February 27 2008 will always be placed in lower priority in this case. I have been waiting, desperately, for a few years with NO any official information about when in estimate the CIC officers will begin processing my case or how long I will still have to wait to see some progress. The processing time posted on the CIC website seems not quite reflecting Hong Kong situation at all!Dear Honorable Minister Kenney, I do respect the new immigration policy CIC announced however I am wondering if something more can be done to improve current situation to ensure a fair play to ALL candidates including me. Thank you!Yours sincerely,XXX XX
新生活,新起点,新目标,老样子 赏

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯啥时发的,赞一个!等待回信
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回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯绝对支持!
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯写得好!
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯Good luck!
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Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯写得好,大家都写封信去问问吧,引起他们的重视!
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯Your early reply will be highly appreciated ...
有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯支持
Don't go the way life takes you. Take the life the way you go.回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯
是金子总会花光!是金子也总会发光!!怀疑比坚信简单得多。。。。。。简表07-7-6 FN 07-11-15 HK SKM确认信:09-4-27... ...终于知道S2永远不会有了。。。回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯苍天已死,黄天当立。
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯大家签字吧
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯举双手双脚支持1
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯顺便再抄送各议员
回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯抄报盼基文和熬巴马各一 。。。
有所拿,有所不拿 ...抄报盼基文和熬巴马各一 。。。点击展开...无语。。。。。。
新生活,新起点,新目标,老样子回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯有模板就是好,我跟VO一样懒,改改就可以发之了~
Tree New Bee回复: 收件人Kenny,抄送哈伯支持!力挺楼主!
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