加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民从2到1需要多久?


从2到1需要多久?面谈是否还需要英语考核?=============一下前人经验,供参考==========[FONT=宋体]于[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]号下香港做安全面试,官为一中年男性,态度和蔼,问题尖锐且细致。因为做的工作没可能和[/FONT]“[FONT=宋体]国家安全[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体]搭上边,所以十分理直气壮地回答,但连答带聊的也花了一个小时,谈的内容涉及到教育和工作。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]以前的安全面试很简单,大约二三十分钟,主要市和对你的基本情况,如姓名等基本资料,工作性质等,但每个人的情况会有不同,有的人遇到的问题非常集中在某一个方面,如你的某个亲属或你的某一阶段的工作等,下面是总结的常规问题。[/FONT]1 [FONT=宋体]你有护照吗?[/FONT] 2[FONT=宋体]你现在是军人吗?你和军队有什么关系?[/FONT] 3 [FONT=宋体]从哪所学校毕业?[/FONT] 4 [FONT=宋体]这所学校是不是一所军事院校?[/FONT] 5 [FONT=宋体]选择这所学校是自愿的吗?为什么这样选择,请详细说明。(动机性问题)[/FONT] 6[FONT=宋体]大学所学的专业是什么?这个专业和军事有联系吗?(当面试人回答其专业是[/FONT]“[FONT=宋体]机电自动控制[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体]后,移民官又追问了一些细节)[/FONT] 7[FONT=宋体]你都学些什么课程?你的哪些课程与军队有关?[/FONT] 8 [FONT=宋体]毕业论文的题目是什么?都写了些什么内容?[/FONT] 9 [FONT=宋体]什么计算机语言[/FONT]?[FONT=宋体]比较熟悉什么语言。[/FONT] 10 [FONT=宋体]毕业以后为什么选择这个工作单位,是否有人安排你到这个工作单位(动机性问题)[/FONT] 11 [FONT=宋体]在单位里的主要职责是什么?[/FONT] 12 [FONT=宋体]这个单位从事什么行业,,是否有军事项目?[/FONT] 13[FONT=宋体]你的工作和国防应用有什么关系?[/FONT] 14 [FONT=宋体]你的工作重点是否在军事上?[/FONT] 15 [FONT=宋体]有没有参加过什么培训?经常参加培训吗?[/FONT] 16 [FONT=宋体]有没有出国经历?去做什么?谁派你去的?和谁一起去的?去了多长时间?为什么去了这么长的时间?[/FONT] 17[FONT=宋体]你都做了什么项目?[/FONT] 18 [FONT=宋体]没有受过军事训练,有没有人叫你来收集情报[/FONT] 19[FONT=宋体]有没有同事朋友什么的在保密或是相关部门[/FONT] 20[FONT=宋体]是否有人出钱让你去加拿大?[/FONT] 21 [FONT=宋体]你是否换过工作么?什么时间?在什么单位?现在工作职责是什么?[/FONT] 22[FONT=宋体]第一个工作为什么要辞职[/FONT] 24 [FONT=宋体]是否经常出差?[/FONT] 25 [FONT=宋体]现在还在工作么?为什么辞职?[/FONT] 26 [FONT=宋体]你为移民(登陆)做了些什么准备?[/FONT] 28 [FONT=宋体]为什么想移民加拿大?[/FONT] 29[FONT=宋体]你是自己决定要出国的吗?[/FONT] 30 [FONT=宋体]有没有犯罪记录?[/FONT] 30 [FONT=宋体]你的家庭情况[/FONT] 32 [FONT=宋体]配偶是做什么工作啊?孩子有多大了?[/FONT] 33 [FONT=宋体]到加拿大后怎样找工作[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]知道加拿大的工作情况吗[/FONT] 34 [FONT=宋体]如果到加拿大不能很快找到工作,怎么办[/FONT] 35 [FONT=宋体]有朋友在加拿大吗?做什麽工作?有地址吗[/FONT] 36 [FONT=宋体]你打算居住在加拿大的哪个城市?为什么[/FONT] 37 [FONT=宋体]你准备带多少钱去加拿大?[/FONT]

2008-09-24,FN;2009-01-13,补料Email;2009-04-24,补料;2009-05-19,状态12-〉6;2009-05-28,状态6-〉12;2009-06-25,状态12-〉6;二次被调2009-8-24,状态6-〉2,2010-11-10新生儿体检,2010-12-11,8-〉12,2011-1-5 13,2011-1-5 17,2011-1-9 visa赞反馈:xchn818 2009-08-28#2 hyahoo 150 $0.00 回复: 从2到1需要多久?1. What do you know about Canada?2. How do you think Canadian economy?3. You know Canadian has one of the best social welfare systems/health systems in the world. How do you think of it?4. What particular things do you like in Canada?5. Why do you want to leave Canada?6. How do you think the experience you have in China?7. Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China?8. Where are you going to settle (or live)in Canada?10. What do you know about Vancouver, the place you' re going to live?11. Tell me anything you know about Vancouver?12. Why would you like to settle in Vancouver?13. Tell me any other cities you know in Canada.14. Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently?15. What's your impression on Vancouver (Canada)?16. What do you think about Canadian political system?17. Have you been to Canada (any other countries besides Thailand)?18. What is the biggest city in Canada?19. Who is the premier of Canada?20. Why don't you go to USA?21. How many people are there in your family?22. Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behind?23. Did your parent agree with you on immigration?24. Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you to Canadian?25. Why don't you bring your child with you to Canada?26. What kind of qualification did you get?27. What university famous?28. Is your University famous?29. Tell me something about your university?30. What's your major?31. Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast - growing world ?32. What have you learnt in your university?33. Have the course you studied in the university helped you?34. Did you get any award in the university?35. How long have you studied English?36. Can you speak any other language?37. Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assist you to find a job in Canada?38. Do you have to speak English, write English in your work environment?39. How often do you use English?40. Can you operate the computer?41. 'What do you know about internet?42. Have you received any professional training?43. Have you received any on - site job training?44. You studied Physics (or other field), why do you apply as a computer programmer?45. Do you have any professional license/certificate?46. How did the training help you in your present career?47. In what company are you working at present?48. Can you tell me something about your company?49. How many employees are there in your companies?50. Tell me the detail of your colleagues' job title's?51. How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation?52. How long have you been working in the company?53. How long have you been in the position?54. Who do you report your work to?55. What is the position in your company?56. How many staffs do you supervise?57. What's the main business of your company? Name of general manager?58. What have you done in your work?59. What are your responsibilities?60. What are your achievements?61. Tell me one of your biggest achievements?62. Why did you work in the same company for so long?63. Do you know any company in Canada, which offers the same service as your company?64. What's your routine work?65. Do you have a reference letter from the present employer?66. After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer?67. Why do you think you can be successful in Canada, while many other immigrants have failed in their career?68. Why do you think you can live and be successful in Canada at your age?69. How can you find a job in Canada?70. If I approve your application, do you think you will have any problems to adapt the new living style in Canada? If no, tell me why you have confidence to adapt to the new environment? What plans have you made to live in Canada?71. How can you survive in Canada?72. What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in Canada?73. What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in Canada/74. What's your Career OBJETIVE?75. You know a lot of Hong Kong people have come back from Canada, how do you think about it?76. Can you tell me something about your career?77. Why are you certain that you can be qualified as a successful immigrant?78. Do you have any idea about the job market in your occupation in Canada?79. Have you done any research about job opportunities in Canada?80. Do you know anything about the present employment situation in Canada?81. Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you?82. What are your relatives (friends) doing in Canada?83. What are you going to do if you have no money and nobody is willing to help you?84. Do you have enough money to support yourself and your family if you can't find a job immediately?85. How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have? Do you have a summary of your assets?

2008-09-24,FN;2009-01-13,补料Email;2009-04-24,补料;2009-05-19,状态12-〉6;2009-05-28,状态6-〉12;2009-06-25,状态12-〉6;二次被调2009-8-24,状态6-〉2,2010-11-10新生儿体检,2010-12-11,8-〉12,2011-1-5 13,2011-1-5 17,2011-1-9 visa回复: 从2到1需要多久?我也要等, 和你一拨变2的

回复: 从2到1需要多久?不错,收藏了。

回复: 从2到1需要多久?顶顶

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
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