加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于澳洲无犯罪证明的程序
我办过澳洲无犯罪证明,步骤如下:1、联系澳洲联邦警察局,要他们发一个申请表(电子版)给你;2、填好后再用电子邮件发回去,要他们过目有没有填错;3、到当地公安局采一个指纹,到公证处公证;4、到银行换外汇,做成汇票;5、将书面说明信(Cover letter)、汇票、申请表、公证的指纹、公证的护照复印件等材料一起寄给澳洲联邦警察局即可。 大概一个多月可以拿到证明。附相关联系方法:电子邮件:[email protected]我们的往来邮件:Dear Sir/Madam,I am ×××, a citizen of The People's Republic of China. Now I am writing to make an enquiry about the criminal history check.I stayed in Australia for almost one year (×××to ×××) as a (在澳洲职业)supported by (机构), and the visa type was 418 (temperarily residence). I did cooperative research work with ×××(×××was my supervisor, ×××was one of my colleague whick still working in ×××).Now I am applying for going to Canada, and the immigration department of Canada need my criminal history check certificate including the year in Australia. Could you kindly tell me how to do that? Now I am living in China.Looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours签名Dear ×××, Thank you for your enquiry.I have attached the application form for you to download and complete, together with an information sheet. When you have completed the application form, it needs to be posted to Criminal Records Unit, Locked Bag 1, Weston ACT 2611 together with a cheque or money order in Australian dollars and affiliated with an Australian bank.Payment needs to be a cheque or money order in Australian dollars and affiliated with an Australian bank. Your bank should be able to advise you on where you can obtain this from. Regards, Purdy Mortlock Contractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6256 7777Dear Purdy,Thank you for your quick reply. Maybe I need the Fingerprint Check. Could you kindly tell me how to get my fingerprint to you?Thank you.签名Dear ×××, You need to contact the authority that has requested for you to have a police check conducted and ask if they require you to have a Name Check Only or a Name and Fingerprint Check. If you have been requested to have a fingerprint check you need to contact your local police to have your fingerprints taken and then return them to our office together with application form and payment for processing. Regards, Raelene StainesContractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6256 7777Dear Purdy & Raelene,I will have a Name and Fingerprint Check. I had my fingerprints taken in my local police office (Guangzhou Public Security Burea) and notarized in Guangzhou Notarization Office last week. Now I am preparing to send all the documents (Notarized Fingerprints, Application Form, Consent to Get Personal Information, a cheque or money order from China Bank) to your unit. I am wondering if the following address is the full address the documents will be posted to:AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICECriminal History BranchLocked Bag No. 1WESTON ACT 2611Please remember I will post all the documents from China.In addition, my name in notarization certificate is ×××. My family name is ×and my given name is ××. Is it OK to show the name as ×××? In China, the family name comes before given name. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you.Dear ×××, You need to specify on your application form all versions of your name. If you cannot not make it clear on the application form please attach a cover letter explaining your alias names. Regards, Raelene StainesContractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6256 7777Dear Raelene, Now I am filling in the application form kindly provided by you. I can not be sure how to fill it in some parts of the form. Could you kindly help me to check the form attacted with the email ? Especially on follwing:(iii) consent to.... The Consulate General of Canada, Immigration Section, G.P.O. Box 11142, Hong Kong.......... (Name of Organisation Seeking information)forwarding this form to the Australian Federal Police and/or the Police Services of the States or Territories of the Commonwealth of Australia and providing relevant information to the above organisation. (iv) specify entitlement.......................................................Visa.............................. applied for;(eg. SES, ASO, Bus driver, Insurance, Visa, etc)Thank you very much.签名Dear ×××, Yes, you have completed the application form correctly.RegardsRaelene StainesContractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6256 7777Dear Raelene,I sent all documents related to the check including a draft (AUD 103), a covering letter, application form, a copy of my passport, a notarized fingerprint and an addressed envelope. Unfortunately, I can not stamp the envelope for posting back to me because I was told that stamp bought in China can not be used in other countries. I dont know how to deal with this problem. Maybe Australian Federal Police would pay for the postage.Best wishesDear ×××,Thank you for your enquiry.Most post offices sell international postage coupons, if you cannot get these that is okay as long as you supply us with a return address we will cover postage.Regards, Raelene StainesContractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6256 7777Dear Sir/Madam Your application has been completed by our office and will be coming out to you soon. Regards, Purdy Mortlock Contractor/Outsource AustraliaCriminal Records UnitAustralian Federal Police02 6256 7777
[helenz进程] 2005.7.27 FN 8.17收到 TCW+地址栏 2005.8.22 补件签收 9.1收到再审信2007.5.24 ME, 补料, 6.19北京维士达体检2007.国庆期间 DM,10月17日PL回复: 关于澳洲无犯罪证明的程序thanks, very useful.
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