回复: 80后IT工程师北京技术移民--英国无犯罪记录奉献!感谢分享!
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!回复: 80后IT工程师北京技术移民--英国无犯罪记录奉献!感谢鼓励,我会再接再厉的!~
回复: 80后IT工程师北京技术移民--英国无犯罪记录奉献!很多人给我小纸条,问如何申请UK无犯罪记录:请参考:How to obtain a police certificateUnited Kingdom (including England, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)Do I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence?Yes.How and where do I obtain one?If you live in the United Kingdom You must apply through the ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) Criminal Records Office.The ACPO police certificate contains security features and information on criminal records from databases covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.To apply, download the instructions, application form and Frequently Asked Questions at:www.acpo.police.uk/certificates.aspThe “Standard Service” processing time is 10 working days. For an additional cost, “Premium Service” processing is available in 2 working days.If you need help with your application, please call the ACPO Criminal Records Office on 0845 6013 999 (between 08:30 and 16:30) Monday to Friday or email [email protected]: The Data Protection Statement (obtained by Subject Access) is no longer accepted.If you live outside of the United KingdomThe same procedures above apply.
回复: 80后IT工程师北京技术移民--英国无犯罪记录奉献!SO COOL
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