加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文


大家好,想问大家一个问题,补料北京的清单里要求所有学校和工作单位的名字和地址必须要写英文。我看这个要求是在Additional family information后面,但是我个人觉得应该是指 Schedule 1那个表。但是那个表里面并没有要求写学校或者工作单位的地址,最多有名字。大家是怎么写的?

I am coming back!回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求有人知道吗?谢谢!

I am coming back!回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求LZ好像搞混了吧?家属和就业细节表里的单位和学校名称要中英文的。

回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求LZ好像搞混了吧?家属和就业细节表里的单位和学校名称要中英文的。点击展开...谢谢Vera! 我就是觉得奇怪,因为在北京补料清单中有一句:Please note that names and addresses of schools and work units must also be in Chinese characters;我就是看到表格里面只要求填学校和工作单位的名字,并没有看到有地址要求。而家属细节表里也只有目前家属的居住地址要求,并没有任何学校或者工作单位的要求。所以我觉得应该是在Schedule 1里需要把学校和工作单位的中文名加上就可以了。不知道我的理解对不对

I am coming back!回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求唉!哪张表下的说明就是针对哪张的,你干吗非要张冠李戴呢?很清楚的啊!我晕!

回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求唉!哪张表下的说明就是针对哪张的,你干吗非要张冠李戴呢?很清楚的啊!我晕!点击展开...不好意思,我可能理解真的有问题。但是要求是在Additional Family Information 后,要求是学校和工作单位的名字和地址要写中文。但是问题是Additional Family Information 里面根本没有要求写工作单位或者学校的名字或者地址。不是我张冠李戴,只是要求确实是这么写的。

I am coming back!唉!哪张表下的说明就是针对哪张的,你干吗非要张冠李戴呢?很清楚的啊!我晕!点击展开...我也晕!楼主的问题:就是针对家庭、教育、工作的那张表,要求把学校和单位的名字和地址也要写上中文的。

0213;雅思6,自评67;DIY;2009-8-24悉尼签收; 10-8解付; 11-4RN; 12-10补料BJ;12-22FN;12-24IP;12-29变6;2010-2-3变12;2-19变8;3-8变12;3-17变6;3-31变12;4-20变5;4-25收到ME(DYF);4-26体检&邮汇登陆费;4-28妥投护照等;5-11变8;5-14变13;5-20变17;5-21收到大信封!回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求LZ,我忽然觉得可能是我理解力有问题才对。说实话,CIC网站和补料的说明偶都看得很清楚,可你这几个问题,越看越糊涂。好像至今没人提过这问题呢!

回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求晕倒了

不要把好东西留到特别的日子才用,你活着的每一天都是特别的日子[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求呵呵,不好意思。把大家都弄晕了。我把北京补料信中的话贴出来吧:1.1(a) Application for permanent residence in Canada completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner;NOTE:- The mailing address you provide on the application for permanent residence in Canada must be the residence or business address of a person or a firm, including postal code. A post office box number is not acceptable.- If the mailing address you provide is in China, you must provide the full address and name of the person/firm in Chinese characters.- It is your responsibility to ensure that the mailing address you provide is reliable and that any changes are reported to us promptly, as you will bear the consequences of failure by postal authorities to complete the delivery and of any breakdown in mail forwarding arrangements (including failure by your representative to pass on information to you in a timely manner). This may result in significant delays in the processing of your application or refusal for non-compliance with our instructions.(b) Schedule 1, Background declaration completed and signed by each:Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner,- each dependent child 18 years of age or over;(c) Additional family information and Details of education and employment completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner,- each dependent child 18 years of age or over.Please note that names and addresses of schools and work units must also be in Chinese characters;我想问的问题就是:1. Additional Family Information 里面有要求填学校和工作单位的名字和地址吗?2. Schedule 1表里面在递材料去Sydney的时候到是写了学校和工作单位的名称,但是也没有地方让写地址。所以问题就在这,补料信中的这句话明显有问题。

I am coming back!呵呵,不好意思。把大家都弄晕了。我把北京补料信中的话贴出来吧: 1.1(a) Application for permanent residence in Canada completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner;NOTE:- The mailing address you provide on the application for permanent residence in Canada must be the residence or business address of a person or a firm, including postal code. A post office box number is not acceptable.- If the mailing address you provide is in China, you must provide the full address and name of the person/firm in Chinese characters.- It is your responsibility to ensure that the mailing address you provide is reliable and that any changes are reported to us promptly, as you will bear the consequences of failure by postal authorities to complete the delivery and of any breakdown in mail forwarding arrangements (including failure by your representative to pass on information to you in a timely manner). This may result in significant delays in the processing of your application or refusal for non-compliance with our instructions.(b) Schedule 1, Background declaration completed and signed by each:Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner,- each dependent child 18 years of age or over;(c) Additional family information and Details of education and employment completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner,- each dependent child 18 years of age or over.Please note that names and addresses of schools and work units must also be in Chinese characters; 我想问的问题就是:1. Additional Family Information 里面有要求填学校和工作单位的名字和地址吗?2. Schedule 1表里面在递材料去Sydney的时候到是写了学校和工作单位的名称,但是也没有地方让写地址。 所以问题就在这,补料信中的这句话明显有问题。点击展开...知道你错哪里了!要求的,是另外一个表。请你再下载一个表。这个表要求写上学校和工作单位名字和地址的对应中文。Additional family information and Details of education and employment completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form

0213;雅思6,自评67;DIY;2009-8-24悉尼签收; 10-8解付; 11-4RN; 12-10补料BJ;12-22FN;12-24IP;12-29变6;2010-2-3变12;2-19变8;3-8变12;3-17变6;3-31变12;4-20变5;4-25收到ME(DYF);4-26体检&邮汇登陆费;4-28妥投护照等;5-11变8;5-14变13;5-20变17;5-21收到大信封!回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求哈哈!LZ,你真逗!搞错了!赶紧下载那张新表吧,初审没有提交这张表的。补料的时候才要呢。

0213;雅思6,自评67;DIY;2009-8-24悉尼签收; 10-8解付; 11-4RN; 12-10补料BJ;12-22FN;12-24IP;12-29变6;2010-2-3变12;2-19变8;3-8变12;3-17变6;3-31变12;4-20变5;4-25收到ME(DYF);4-26体检&邮汇登陆费;4-28妥投护照等;5-11变8;5-14变13;5-20变17;5-21收到大信封!呵呵,不好意思。把大家都弄晕了。我把北京补料信中的话贴出来吧: 1.1(a) Application for permanent residence in Canada completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner;NOTE:- The mailing address you provide on the application for permanent residence in Canada must be the residence or business address of a person or a firm, including postal code. A post office box number is not acceptable.- If the mailing address you provide is in China, you must provide the full address and name of the person/firm in Chinese characters.- It is your responsibility to ensure that the mailing address you provide is reliable and that any changes are reported to us promptly, as you will bear the consequences of failure by postal authorities to complete the delivery and of any breakdown in mail forwarding arrangements (including failure by your representative to pass on information to you in a timely manner). This may result in significant delays in the processing of your application or refusal for non-compliance with our instructions.(b) Schedule 1, Background declaration completed and signed by each:Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner,- each dependent child 18 years of age or over;(c) Additional family information and Details of education and employment(是这个表) completed and signed by each: Click here to download the form- the principal applicant,- the spouse or common-law partner,- each dependent child 18 years of age or over.Please note that names and addresses of schools and work units must also be in Chinese characters; 我想问的问题就是:1. Additional Family Information 里面有要求填学校和工作单位的名字和地址吗?2. Schedule 1表里面在递材料去Sydney的时候到是写了学校和工作单位的名称,但是也没有地方让写地址。 所以问题就在这,补料信中的这句话明显有问题。点击展开...

Feb26/07BJFN, Oct13/08S2, Jan06Sup, Mar12/09ME, Apr06/09->12, (Jun26 Fax借护照 Jul03 收到护照 Jul26还护照 Aug05->8 Aug10->12 Nov16 Fax借护照 Nov24 收到护照 Nov06还护照)2010/01/20->13 01/22->17 01/25 CIC DM 01/26收到大信封,毕业03/22->北京无法查状态回复: 北京补料清单中对申请表中学校和工作单位中文名字和地址的要求真是万分感谢大家了,确实没有注意到后面那个新表。

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