加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民专业负责人算不算supervisor呀
新人报到!今天新注册的,给大家问好,顺便问个问题,谢谢啦,我看了一下那38个紧缺职业,但不知道具体含义,谁能告诉我2145(petroluem engineer)和9212(supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities )指的是什么工作,搞石油方面设计的工程师算不算?我不是操作工,没在工厂干过活的,行吗?
回复: 专业负责人算不算supervisor呀lz,我填的是2145,现在已经ME。我日常工作主要做石油天然气储运那一块,也没下过工厂,一直在设计院。没做过专业负责人,虽然做的是差不多的事。汗。我的初审表格工作描述里,就是实事求是写的我具体工作,初审既然通过,应该就能证明我的职业描述与职业代码是相符的。CIC上关于2145的解释是:Petroleum engineers conduct studies for the exploration, development and extraction of oil and gas deposits; and plan, design, develop and supervise projects for the drilling, completion, testing and re-working of oil and gas wells. They are employed by petroleum producing companies, consulting companies, well logging or testing companies, in government, and research and educational institutions.而9212的描述是这样的:Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following unit groups: Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Process Operators (9232), Chemical Plant Machine Operators (9421), Labourers in Chemical Products Processing and Utilities (9613), Water and Waste Plant Operators (9424), Stationary Engineers and Auxiliary Equipment Operators (7351) and Power Systems and Power Station Operators (7352). They are employed by petroleum and natural gas processing, pipeline and petrochemical companies, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, water and waste treatment utilities and in a range of other industries and institutions.看上面的解释,石油石化方面的设计师应该都是符合要求的。LZ可以按自己的实际工作情况选择。祝你好运。
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