加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急求助:技术移民加拿大申请,缴纳申请费用
紧急求助各位高手: 技术移民加拿大申请,材料递交给北京,缴纳申请费用按说应该寄北京加拿大大使馆的,至多是寄加拿大移民局,怎么我看移民局网站上写寄澳洲?是不是我弄错了? 哪位最近正在自助办理的高手或懂行的师傅指点!先感谢了! (最好同时发到本站我的信箱)。
回复: 紧急求助:技术移民加拿大申请,缴纳申请费用寄澳洲吗?移民局关于付费地址Submit your applicationMail your application and your fee to the Centralized Intake Office for Federal Skilled Worker Applications in Sydney, Nova Scotia (Canada). For more detailed information, including courier and mailing addresses, consult the federal skilled worker application package. Please note: You must submit your federal skilled worker application to the Centralized Intake Office and not to the visa office responsible for your country of nationality or residence, as was the case in the past.是不是我弄错了?
回复: 紧急求助:技术移民加拿大申请,缴纳申请费用寄澳洲吗?你这个地理要好好磨练一下世界上不止一个sydney
回复: 紧急求助:技术移民加拿大申请,缴纳申请费用寄澳洲吗?明明是加拿大,哪里有澳洲这个字眼儿?移民局关于付费地址 Submit your applicationMail your application and your fee to the Centralized Intake Office for Federal Skilled Worker Applications in Sydney, Nova Scotia (Canada). For more detailed information, including courier and mailing addresses, consult the federal skilled worker application package. Please note: You must submit your federal skilled worker application to the Centralized Intake Office and not to the visa office responsible for your country of nationality or residence, as was the case in the past. 是不是我弄错了?点击展开...
Feb26/07BJFN, Oct13/08S2, Jan06Sup, Mar12/09ME, Apr06/09->12, (Jun26 Fax借护照 Jul03 收到护照 Jul26还护照 Aug05->8 Aug10->12 Nov16 Fax借护照 Nov24 收到护照 Nov06还护照)2010/01/20->13 01/22->17 01/25 CIC DM 01/26收到大信封,毕业03/22->北京无法查状态回复: 紧急求助:技术移民加拿大申请,缴纳申请费用寄澳洲吗?哈哈,是加拿大的悉尼
回复: 紧急求助:技术移民加拿大申请,缴纳申请费用寄澳洲吗?谢谢各位了!以上指教很好!请有经验的朋友继续指教!本人是新手,1-2月后准备交申请,寻求已经申请的朋友做老师,以求指导哈我。愿意的朋友发QQ、EMAIL到本站短信里。谢谢!
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