加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民另一首变态歌!
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!改编自李宗盛的凡人歌 你我皆国人,生在大中国,一朝移民苦,一刻不得闲,既然等变态,何必有杂念,体检放两旁,vo摆中间,多少男子汉,一怒为贝雕,有多少同林鸟,已爱聚两国难,人生何气短,何必等变态,爱人不见了,都是分居断!点击展开...
宝贝,希望你一切顺利!回复: 另一首变态歌!加拿大把大家都逼成诗人、歌手了。
双手劳动 慰藉心灵回复: 另一首变态歌!我也来一首英文的something inside歌手:jonathan rhys meyer 专辑:八月迷情 when the immigrate visa you're looking foris nowhere to be foundand you back stepping all of your movestrying to becoming 13you wanna reach outyou wanna give inyour head's wrapped around what's around the next bendyou wish you could find something warm'cause you're waiting for decision madeCanadameet is the first website you login as you open your eyesthe last thing you say as your saying 13 comingsomething inside you is crying and driving you onBJ status is the first thing you see as you open your eyesthe last thing you say as your saying DM comingsomething inside you is crying and driving you on'cause if VO you hadn't reviewed my casei would have pushed youi would have pushed you
宝贝,希望你一切顺利! 赏 反馈:flyhigh-chen 2009-09-21#5 付费矿工 27$(0.00$赞力,#76) 8,082 $1.24 $27.01 回复: 另一首变态歌!这首歌原来是他弄的啊。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 另一首变态歌!我来看看,楼上才人很多
061030---FN,100118---13和DM雪霁天晴朗,腊梅处处香。骑驴灞桥上,铃儿响叮当,响叮当,响叮当,响叮当,响叮当。好花采的瓶供养,伴我书声琴韵,共度好时光。回复: 另一首变态歌!再稍微修改一下,凑合唱吧。
2007.2.6上午北京窗口交费,中午寄申请表;2.7使馆签收;3.2fn;3.31雅思,听6,读6.5,写5,口5,总分5.5;08.9.18,收到补料email;09.1.13寄达S2补料.2.1bt12,3.17bt5,3.20收ME信,4.29寄ME补料,5.19bt5-8,7.20bt8-12;10.3.16bt13如果您觉得我说得有道理,请点击左边我名字下面白色的天平,给我加一点声望和鲜花。谢谢!改编自李宗盛的凡人歌 你我皆华人,生在大中国,一朝移民苦,一刻不得闲,既然等变态,何必有杂念,体检放两旁,vo摆中间,多少男子汉,一怒为贝雕,有多少同林鸟,已爱聚两国难,人生何气短,何必等长登,爱人不见了,都是分居断!点击展开...好,顶
回复: 另一首变态歌!我也来一首英文的 something inside歌手:jonathan rhys meyer 专辑:八月迷情 when the immigrate visa you're looking foris nowhere to be foundand you back stepping all of your movestrying to becoming 13you wanna reach outyou wanna give inyour head's wrapped around what's around the next bendyou wish you could find something warm'cause you're waiting for decision madeCanadameet is the first website you login as you open your eyesthe last thing you say as your saying 13 comingsomething inside you is crying and driving you onBJ status is the first thing you see as you open your eyesthe last thing you say as your saying DM comingsomething inside you is crying and driving you on'cause if VO you hadn't reviewed my casei would have pushed youi would have pushed you点击展开...good ,ding!!
回复: 另一首变态歌!同学们都太有才了,呵呵
回复: 另一首变态歌!惟楚有才,于斯为盛顶一下楼主,必须地。
好帖子|顶一下|必须地|奋斗中回复: 另一首变态歌!问你是否看见,这世界为了变态改变,有了梦寐以求的visa,是否就算是拥有明天?
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