加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民08年2月递交表格,08年10月收到FN,准备withdraw,
请教一下各位高手:我是08年2月份交的表格,大概是11月收到的FN,用信用卡付的钱。FN信里面附带的收据显示是4月24扣的款,上网站查状态,显示“We received your application for permanent residence on March 10, 2008”。FN的信上最后是这么说的:Because no instruction have been isssued by the Minister as yet, we are not able to inform you at this time wheter, and how, your application might be affected. .......... We therefor ask that you do not make any inquires with our office about the possible impact of these amendment on your application.We will contact you to let you know how your application may be affected when Minister's instructions are issued.所以就把这个事情放一边了。过了一年了,也没有什么消息,最近上网来看。 上HK的网站看,没有说不在38项内的怎么办。上加拿大的网站看说不在38项内的会退款。 等他主动退款不知道要等到什么时候了,应为发现关于227之后的申请者,网站上说不会处理?Skilled Worker applications received after February 26, 2008 (Federal)July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009Current processing times are not yet available for the Federal Skilled Worker applications received after February 26, 2008 as volume is not sufficient for an assessment.Date Modified: 2009-07-22 准备自己写信去撤销申请,学法语去。 请问撤销过的朋友们大概的流程要多久,费用是不是也很快可以退回来。
回复: 08年2月递交表格,08年10月收到FN,准备withdraw,看来是发错地方了。赫赫。
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