加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)


本人去年10月北京申请,后得知不在38项之内,今年6月准备退款。第一步:发信给使馆:To Immigration Section[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]I submitted my application of Canadian immigration on Oct.2008. My file number is. And on Feb.10,2008, I remitted application fee ,7480RMB totally (my husband and I). The reciept number is . However, according to the new Immigration Act after Feb.27,2008, maybe my occupation does not confirm to the requirements. So, I want to apply for refund if my application has been refused. What procedure shoud I take? Wait for your reply!Thanks随后一周左右受到回信:Dear Your application has not passed the initial assessment stage and you are qualified for a refund of the processing fees if you wish to withdraw your application now. Please print the form and fill in the requested information. Then fax it to (86-10) 51394449 or send it to the address below. If you are sending a fax please make sure you have your confirmation option "ON" as our office cannot provide confirmation of faxes received. Please be advised that your refund may take up to 3 months for processing. Please be patient during this time. Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of ChinaWeb site: www.beijing.gc.ca并收到退款表格,见附件。填好后寄出,至今等待。

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)你是EMAIL还是平信?表格最后填的银行是不是要填两次?我可以不可以直接邮寄表格?

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)看来退款还是需要长久的等待啊~

2008年03月31日-香港签收2008年05月06日-信用卡扣款2008年10月22日-FN2009年10月26日―收到退信回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)第一步是发的电邮,第二步邮寄表格用的是快递。银行要填两次,第一遍是银行名称: 比如工商银行。第二遍是开户行支行的名称。至于能否直接邮递表格,我觉得可以,但同时也给使馆发封邮件,最稳投。

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)日期指的是回FN的日期,还是现在的日期?

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)我填的是回FN的日期

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)我也这样填的,好象还要你出生日期啊。。。

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)感谢楼主分享经验。可惜我不能退,因为和中让我等。

人生若只如初见。。。回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)谢谢LZ分享,我也正准备撤案,给北京发了电邮,但是还没回信呢。不知道啥时回。

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)谢谢分享~~

死亡是我们唯一确定的事,其余的都是概率~回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)可能是我写的他不大明白,和LZ的结果不一样。北京大使馆的回信:File: B05X Dear XXX: This refers to your recent enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence in Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker.Please be informed that your entire file has been transferred to the Centralized Intake Office in Sydney Nova Scotia, Canada for review. The Centralized Intake Office is responsible for assessing your application against the Ministerial Instructions issued November 28, 2008 (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2008/2008-11-28a.asp). This office has not retained any information on your file. As a result, we are unable to respond to any case enquiries. If you have provided us with an update for your file we have forwarded this information to the Centralized Intake Office. All further updates or enquiries on your application should be directed to the office in Sydney, Nova Scotia (address below). Should you require some changes to your file which could affect your eligibility or record a change of address, please send your information to one of the addresses below. Mailing Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake OfficeP.O. BOX 7500Sydney, NS B1P 0A9Canada Courier Address:Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake Office196 George StreetSydney, NS B1P 1J3CanadaDue to the high volume of applications received it may take some time for your application to receive a determination. You will be contacted once a determination has been made by the Centralized Intake Office. Thank you for your interest in Canada. Sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy Beijing我写的:Dear Sir /Madam of the Canada Immigration officeI would like to withdraw my application to immigrate to Canada and have the application fee refunded. I've made this hard decision because of the recent changes of the immigration policies. As much as I'm willing to apply but I'm afraid that I'm not qualified enough. So could you please kindly help to proceed my request? Thank you very much, I'm sorry for any inconvenience.My File Number is: B05XMy Name is : XXXMy birth date is : XXXMy email is : XXXMy address is :XXX Sincerely yours, XXX

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)楼上的朋友,我也收到过这封信,内容完全一样。时间是 2009年7月3日(星期五) 下午12:26。是在我寄出退款表格之后。通过这封信,只是告诉你,如果你的信息有变化请联系他们。所以我推论;这是一封普通信函,或许大家都有。你说呢?

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)我也是收到上面的信,我已经拿到澳洲的签证了,把加这边的申请退掉.

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)学习了。

http://www.ec-stores.com/楼上的朋友,我也收到过这封信,内容完全一样。时间是 2009年7月3日(星期五) 下午12:26。是在我寄出退款表格之后。通过这封信,只是告诉你,如果你的信息有变化请联系他们。所以我推论;这是一封普通信函,或许大家都有。你说呢?点击展开...可是没有给我发Refund Form 啊。

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)同时关注退款。。。。我07年递的申请,在08年年底时撤回,可退款至今没有音信呢。。。。现在偶又开始申请了,新政下38类^_^

回复: 退款途中(非38项,想退款的朋友)我也收到那封信了,是让你把资料邮寄到那两个地址的其中一个吧。。。是不是?

还是非38项退款的问题据上一步之后,我又给Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFederal Skilled WorkerCentralized Intake OfficeP.O. BOX 7500Sydney, NS B1P 0A9Canada 发了一封退档信,内容如下:邮寄过去的。已经两周,还是没有消息。不知前途如何?还有,谁知道他们的电话,我想联系一下?谢谢

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