加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民0213的详细定义
很多和IT沾边的TZ可能都想往0213靠,但看了CIC对0213的定义,估计能满足要求的不多。CIC对IT的分类很细的。如果差距太远,估计不要太勉强了,即使硬是填了0213,睇完料也会被拒的。还是另做打算的好。0213 Computer and Information Systems ManagersComputer and information systems managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of organizations that analyze, design, develop, implement, operate and administer computer and telecommunications software, networks and information systems. They are employed throughout the public and private sectors.Example TitlesEDP (electronic data processing) managercomputer systems managerdata centre managerdata processing directorinformation systems managermanager, data processing and systems analysismanager, management information system (MIS)manager, software engineeringsoftware development managersystems development managerView all titles Main dutiesComputer and information systems managers perform some or all of the following duties: Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of information systems and electronic data processing (EDP) departments and companiesDevelop and implement policies and procedures for electronic data processing and computer systems operations and developmentMeet with clients to discuss system requirements, specifications, costs and timelinesAssemble and manage teams of information systems personnel to design, develop, implement, operate and administer computer and telecommunications software, networks and information systemsControl the budget and expenditures of the department, company or projectRecruit and supervise computer analysts, engineers, programmers, technicians and other personnel and oversee their professional development and training.Employment requirementsA bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, business administration, commerce or engineering is usually required.Several years of experience in systems analysis, data administration, software engineering, network design or computer programming, including supervisory experience, are required.Classified elsewhereComputer and information systems supervisors (in 217 Computer and Information Systems Professionals)Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers) (2147)Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers (2174)Computer services company presidents (in 0013 Senior Managers - Financial, Communications and Other Business Services)Database Analysts and Data Administrators (2172)Information Systems Analysts and Consultants (2171)LAN managers (in 2281 Computer Network Technicians)Software Engineers and Designers (2173)
2006/11月递交HK,2007/4月FNWaiting for S2!回复: 0213的详细定义想想办法都能套上
最新2012年7月后中英对照DiscoverCanada加拿大入籍考试指南,与最新官网音频同步http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=592263回复: 0213的详细定义software engineering..软件工程师。这个算吗?
[FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]窗含西岭千秋雪[/FONT][FONT=宋体]==============[/FONT][FONT=宋体]门泊东吴万里船[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]==============[/FONT][/FONT]回复: 0213的详细定义可以尝试
2009,11月ME2010,1.25 mer2010,2,3 pl回复: 0213的详细定义关键是要是经理
回复: 0213的详细定义外企的吃亏了,熬到经理不容易呀!国企的占便宜了,是个人就是经理。
祝大家一切都好!外企的吃亏了,熬到经理不容易呀! 国企的占便宜了,是个人就是经理。点击展开...可不是啊。我3个人去做项目,就产生一个项目经理。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 0213的详细定义特别是项目经理……多如牛毛。。。
The only predictable thing about life is its unpredictability.回复: 0213的详细定义project manager算吗,这个名头比较容易弄吧
回复: 0213的详细定义software development manager还是比较容易靠谱的,工作年限长的话~
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