加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 昨天TEF考了228,不满意,这样递
由于是自学法语,没有学时证明,所以想以TEF考试成绩来证明法语水平,就此发信问过香港使馆,根据回复这应该是可以的,因为回复中说并不是看申请人学了多久,而是看申请人到底有什么样的法语水平。 昨天考完,228分,不满意,应该不止这个水平的,感觉自己法语学到了一个临界点,因为阅读都能看懂60%-70%,再努把力就能有个突破了。 另外,还是应该好好准备一下,看看机经什么的。昨天回来找了些机经一看,原题还真有好几个。另外碰到不确定的题还是尽量不要选的好,只是很多阅读都能读懂百分之六七十,不甘心放弃,所以。。。还是考TCF的好。 根据评分表给自己打分,英语6分打4分、法语16分打6分、配偶法语6分打2分的话,预选阶段(不算第11项适应能力)有59分。 请教2个问题: 1.TEF 228分,那么法语水平可以给自己打6分吗?当然,从递料到面试这段时间我还会大力学法语,有信心把法语提高不少。2.按照上面的打分结果,59分,能通过初审吗?对了,我们的BB应该在明年2月出生,那么还可以加4分。不过到时补料会耽误时间吗?有没有经历过的同学说说? 希望大家探讨一下。其实我只要能通过初审即可,自己还是很有信心在接下来的半年多时间里把法语水平提高很多。 下面附上魁省移民局关于以考试成绩取代学时证明的回复: 我写的信: Dear Ms/Mr,Here is a question about French learning proof:I have no proof of 500-hour French learning, because I'm learning French by myself and I prefer learning like this. Can I enclose my application without such a proof? If not, will a result of TEF work as the same way? Looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes.Very truly yours, 移民局回信: Bonjour,In evaluating linguistic ability of our candidates, it is not the number of hours that count. It is the level in which the candidate obtained via tests from linguistic institutions or recognised examination boards. Candidate may submit a certificate of attendance indicating level of the course from the institutions in which he/she has attended. Based on this document, we will prescreen this applicant with all other criteria(e.g. education and work experience) and in case candidate passes on prescreening, we will evaluate his application with an interview. Besides, as of January 2007, you may demonstrate your French language knowledge by presenting the MICC with the results of a French evaluation test adapted to meet Québec*s needs and given by one of the twoorganizations recognized by the MICC, which are: - the Test d*évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ *French evaluation test adapted for Québec) from the Chambre de commerceet d*industrie de Paris (CCIP * Paris Chamber of Commerce); - the Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCFQ * Frenchlanguage knowledge test for Québec) from the Centre international Veuillez agréer l'expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs.Candy Tsang Salutations distinguées/Sincerely, Bureau d'immigration du Québecc/o Consulate General of Canada10/F, Tower 1, Exchange Square8 Connaught Place, Hong KongTéléphone : (852) 2810-7183Télécopieur : (852) 2845-3889Site web: www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca
回复: 昨天TEF考了228,不满意,这样递料可以么?附个人资料和魁省移民局关于学时证明的答复59分不行,会被拒的,60是预审线建议直接考tefaq,只考听说部分就好
回复: 昨天TEF考了228,不满意,这样递料可以么?附个人资料和魁省移民局关于学时证明的答复那么,请问如果我法语16分打8分,这样总分有61,那么应该就能通过预审吧?但是,就怕TEF 228分不能支持给自己16分打8分.那我可以重新考一次tef或tcf。这次应该可以考个高些的分数。TEFAQ今年广州AF,11月还有一场。10月报名,费用1500rmb考一次.
回复: 昨天TEF考了228,不满意,这样递料可以么?附个人资料和魁省移民局关于学时证明的答复228太少了,起码360以上吧。
回复: 昨天TEF考了228,不满意,这样递料可以么?附个人资料和魁省移民局关于学时证明的答复分数太低了没有正面作用,还不如交个3,500学时呢你看呢?
Start over回复: 昨天TEF考了228,不满意,这样递料可以么?附个人资料和魁省移民局关于学时证明的答复TCF还有专门针对魁省的?另外听说联邦是不收TCF只收TEF的.楼主留意一下为好~ 移民局回信: Bonjour,In evaluating linguistic ability of our candidates, it is not the number of hours that count. It is the level in which the candidate obtained via tests from linguistic institutions or recognised examination boards. Candidate may submit a certificate of attendance indicating level of the course from the institutions in which he/she has attended. Based on this document, we will prescreen this applicant with all other criteria(e.g. education and work experience) and in case candidate passes on prescreening, we will evaluate his application with an interview. Besides, as of January 2007, you may demonstrate your French language knowledge by presenting the MICC with the results of a French evaluation test adapted to meet Québec*s needs and given by one of the twoorganizations recognized by the MICC, which are: - the Test d*évaluation du français adapté pour le Québec (TEFAQ *French evaluation test adapted for Québec) from the Chambre de commerceet d*industrie de Paris (CCIP * Paris Chamber of Commerce); - the Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec (TCFQ * Frenchlanguage knowledge test for Québec) from the Centre international Veuillez agréer l'expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs.Candy Tsang Salutations distinguées/Sincerely, Bureau d'immigration du Québecc/o Consulate General of Canada10/F, Tower 1, Exchange Square8 Connaught Place, Hong KongTéléphone : (852) 2810-7183Télécopieur : (852) 2845-3889Site web: www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca[/quote]
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