加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业
回复: 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业?第2学历加几分?魁省外学历只有30多种,魁省学历有114种
回复: 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业?第2学历加几分?所有优选都属于高分
全国最大“移民加拿大msn群“: [email protected]移民,恋爱,交友,S2,ME,DM,VISA,咨询,登陆,入籍,安家,亲子,团聚,买车,买房,招工,机票(加入请直接用msn“添加联系人或群“,然后输入:[email protected])回复: 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业?第2学历加几分?新法没看见第2专业的介绍也 还有那2分吗
回复: 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业?第2学历加几分?LIST OF AREAS OF TRAINING (2009) This list is authorized by the Minister responsible for the Act respecting immigration to Quebec for the implementation of Regulations on the selection of foreign nationals (RRQ, 1981, c. M-23.1, r. 2). This list takes effect October 14, 2009. POINTS TO TEST FOR FIELD TRAINING GATE SELECTION OF SKILLED WORKERS PART I -- Foreign Credentials SECTION A -- Principal applicant: 16 points Spouse or common-law partner: 4 points Academic level Nil Technical college Avionics (DEC - 3 years) Aircraft construction techniques (CTA - 3 years) level vocational secondary Retail Butcher (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Installation of cables and circuits (DEP - 945 hrs / 1 year) Assembling structures in aerospace (DVS - 975 hrs / 1 year) Mechanical assembly in aerospace (DVS - 1185 hrs / year 1.5) Precision Machining (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) SECTION B -- Principal applicant: 12 points Spouse or common-law partner: 3 points Academic level Biochemistry (B. Ed - 3 years) Chemistry (B. Ed - 3 years) Aerospace, Aeronautics and Astronautics (B. Ed - 4 years) Probability and Statistics (B. Ed - 3 years) Nursing and Nursing (B. Ed - 3 years) Technical college Council insurance and financial services (Dec - 3 years) Business Management (Dec - 3 years) Nursing (Dec - 3 years) Techniques of Chemical Engineering (Dec - 3 years) Laboratory Techniques (DEC - 3 years) Techniques of chemical processes (DEC - 3 years) Processing techniques for composite materials (CTA - 3 years) Techniques of Plastics Processing (Decr - 3 years) Technology pharmaceutical production (Dec - 3 years) Nuclear Medicine Technology (CTA - 3 years) Technology radiology (DEC - 3 years) Technology of Radiation Oncology (DEC - 3 years) Process technology and food quality (DEC - 3 years) Civil Engineering Technology (CTA - 3 years) Secondary vocational Dental Assisting (PEF - 1500 hrs / 2 years) Pharmacy Technicians (PEF - 1230 hrs / year 1.5) Bricklaying masonry (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Manufacture of metal structures and fabricated metals (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Plumber-Sheetmetal (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Implementation of composite materials (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Plumbing and Heating (PEF - 1500 hrs / 2 years) Welding assembly (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Precision sheet metal (PEF - 1275 hrs / year 1.5) SECTION C -- Principal Applicant: 6 points Spouse or common-law: 2 points Academic level Actuarial (B. Ed - 3 years) Business Administration (B. Ed - 3 years) Bookkeeping and Accounting Studies (B. Ed - 3 years) Dietetics and Nutrition (B. Ed - 3.5 years) Training of specialist teachers in special education (remedial) (B. Ed - 4 years) Food Engineering (B. Ed - 4 years) Biological and Biomedical Engineering (B. Ed - 4 years) Chemical Engineering (B. Ed - 4 years) Civil engineering, construction and transport (B. Ed - 4 years) Computer Engineering and construction of computers (B. Ed - 4 years) Mechanical Engineering (B. Ed - 4 years) Geodesy (Surveying) (B. Ed - 4 years) Personnel Administration (B. Ed - 3 years) Management and Business Administration (B. Ed - 3 years) Mathematics (B. Ed - 3 years) Microbiology (B. Ed - 3 years) Computer Science (B. Ed - 3 years) Science and Food Technology (B. Ed - 4 years) Social Work (B. Ed - 3 years) Translation (B. Ed - 3 years) Technical college Operation (CTA - 3 years) Applied Geology (DEC - 3 years) Management of a catering establishment (DEC - 3 years) Mineral (DEC - 3 years) Animation techniques and 3D computer graphics (DEC - 3 years) Techniques Office (DEC - 3 years) Accounting and Management (DEC - 3 years) Techniques of Mechanical Engineering (DEC - 3 years) Techniques of Transport Logistics (DEC - 3 years) Techniques of Informatics (DEC - 3 years) Technical maintenance of aircraft (DEC - 3 years) Physical rehabilitation techniques (CTA - 3 years) Techniques for Animal Health (DEC - 3 years) Social Service Worker (DEC - 3 years) Techniques for Early Childhood Education (DEC - 3 years) Special education (DEC - 3 years) Respiratory therapy techniques (CTA - 3 years) Multimedia integration (DEC - 3 years) Intervention techniques in crime (Dec - 3 years) Techniques of orthotics and orthopedic prostheses (DEC - 3 years) Technical furniture and cabinet (Dec - 3 years) Biomedical Laboratory Technology (CTA - 3 years) Geomatics (DEC - 3 years) Mechanical Technology Building (Dec- 3 years) Architectural Technology (CTA - 3 years) Technology assessment and evaluation in building (Dec - 3 years) Industrial Maintenance Technology (CTA - 3 years) Secondary vocational Surveying and Topography (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) People care home (DEP - 975 hrs / 1 year) Insulation (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Bodywork (PEF - 1590 hrs / 2 years) Carpentry (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Accounting (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Conduct of construction equipment (DEP - 1095 hrs / year 1.5) Driving and setting molding machines (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Food Establishment (DPE - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Drawing Building (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Drawing (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Cabinetry (PEF - 1650 hrs / 2 years) Ore (DEP - 930 hrs / 1 year) Installation and maintenance of security systems (PEF - 1485 hrs / 2 years) Installation and repair of telecommunications equipment (DEP - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Agricultural Mechanics (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Auto Mechanics (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Stationary engineering (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Mechanical protection against fire (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Mechanics Heavy Vehicle Road (DEP - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Mechanical construction equipment (DEP - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Mechanical Industrial Construction and Maintenance (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Modeling (PEF - 1500 hrs / 2 years) Assembly and installation of glass products (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Operation of production equipment (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Pastry (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Painting building (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Installation of resilient flooring (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Preparation and finishing of concrete (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year) Refrigeration (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Craft Upholstery (PEF - 1350 hrs / year 1.5) Health Assistance and Nursing (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Service restoration (DEP - 960 hrs / 1 year) Computer Support (PEF - 1800 hrs / 2 years) Sale of Fishery Products (DEP - 900 hrs / 1 year)
全国最大“移民加拿大msn群“: [email protected]移民,恋爱,交友,S2,ME,DM,VISA,咨询,登陆,入籍,安家,亲子,团聚,买车,买房,招工,机票(加入请直接用msn“添加联系人或群“,然后输入:[email protected])回复: 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业?第2学历加几分?请问第五位朋友你说的受训领域是从魁北克官方移民网站下载的吗?我记得原来是分ABCDEFG类的,你说的是最新的吗?这可关系到大家的前途的。谢谢!
回复: 新政的受训领域指的是什么专业?第2学历加几分?A类受训主申加16,副申加4 B12,3 C6,2 D2,1 E0,0确实只有这五类受训第二专业已经没有加分了新政都出来好几天,赶紧去找个看看呗。
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