加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民日记+问题--新人第一帖
[FONT=宋体]大家好,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]今天刚刚注册,先给斑竹以及各位问个好![/FONT][FONT=宋体]我是最近几天刚刚决定去加国的,现在在准备雅思,每天读几篇英文报道,外加写一篇英文日记,记录自己这段生活的点滴,就一并发在贵宝地了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]首先先请教论坛上达人几个问题吧。[/FONT]1. [FONT=宋体]个人情况。本人打算走联邦技术移民。基本情况是,我(主申)研究生学历,工龄[/FONT]8[FONT=宋体]年([/FONT]2001[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]月到[/FONT]2009[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]月),其中[/FONT]2005[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]月至[/FONT]2008[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]月读研,但单位仍保留这段工龄。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]我的专业本科是金属材料方面的,研究生是计算机方面的。目前在一家国有通讯企业,省公司员工。在公司内算是员工,但实际上作的是工程项目的管理工作,主要负责[/FONT]IT[FONT=宋体]类的通讯增值平台建设,管理乙方的施工以及技术规范的审核。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]语言方面过了[/FONT]CET-6[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]2. [FONT=宋体]配偶情况。曾经在国内某大学读过两年的与国外某学校合作办学(比较正规),本来应该再去国外读两年的,但因个人原因没有去。最后拿到的是国内大学的大专结业证书(有学校章,注明所读年限,有校长签字)和一个国外大学文凭([/FONT]DIPLOMA[FONT=宋体])。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]现在有几个问题请教:[/FONT]1. [FONT=宋体]我老婆的这种学历情况是否可以加[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]分?(满足[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]年的全日制学习)[/FONT]2. [FONT=宋体]根据新的38项职业,IT类需要MANAGER了,我的情况是否满足?[/FONT]3. [FONT=宋体]一般CET-6(80分过的),能对应雅思几分的能力?[/FONT]4. [FONT=宋体]是否有必要找中介进行办理?[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]以上问题,还望各位指点。[/FONT][FONT=宋体] [/FONT][FONT=宋体]后面开始我的移民日记。[/FONT]2009-10-19 SUNNY & WINDYThe salary is declining, for everyone in my department. Everybody is unhappy, but what can we do. I don't know how's my future if I am still in this company. I have a plan to emigrating, not only for the salary declining, but also for changing my life style. I want another life style- freedom, less pressure and beautiful nature... I don't know, but it's my goal now at least.
回复: 移民日记+问题--新人第一帖[FONT=宋体]现在有几个问题请教:[/FONT]1. [FONT=宋体]我老婆的这种学历情况是否可以加[/FONT]4[FONT=宋体]分?(满足[/FONT]14[FONT=宋体]年的全日制学习)[/FONT]2. [FONT=宋体]根据新的38项职业,IT类需要MANAGER了,我的情况是否满足?[/FONT]3. [FONT=宋体]一般CET-6(80分过的),能对应雅思几分的能力?[/FONT]4. [FONT=宋体]是否有必要找中介进行办理?[/FONT]点击展开...1、个人认为,如果清华认证没有问题,应该可以。请有经验的TX解答;2、对照一下,只看main duties,其他部分不用看。http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/Profile.aspx?val=0&val1=02133、不好说,CET和雅斯的考试内容有不同。如果口语问题不大的话,雅斯应该可以达到一个比较好的分数。
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 移民日记+问题--新人第一帖1配偶大专有tz算3分2和38的it经理职业描述有一定差距3雅思4个6没有问题,8分4不用找中介
回复: 移民日记+问题--新人第一帖谢谢以上的回答。看了一下IT MANAGER的MAIN DUTIES,除最后一项,其余都是我日常工作的内容。但要如何去证明这些呢?Main dutiesComputer and information systems managers perform some or all of the following duties:Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of information systems and electronic data processing (EDP) departments and companiesDevelop and implement policies and procedures for electronic data processing and computer systems operations and developmentMeet with clients to discuss system requirements, specifications, costs and timelinesAssemble and manage teams of information systems personnel to design, develop, implement, operate and administer computer and telecommunications software, networks and information systemsControl the budget and expenditures of the department, company or projectRecruit and supervise computer analysts, engineers, programmers, technicians and other personnel and oversee their professional development and training.
回复: 移民日记+问题--新人第一帖HK这么证明:6. WORK EXPERIENCE Please provide evidence of current and past employment experience, including: notarized employment contracts from your present and past employers, accompanied by anEnglish or French translation original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and current employers; letters mustbe written on company letterhead and show the company’s full address, telephone and faxnumbers, and be stamped with the company’s official sealIf applicable, for you and/or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, who hasengaged in full-time work in Canada, with appropriate authorization, for a period of atleast one year in the past 10 years: copies of letter(s) of reference from your past Canadian employer(s), and the employmentauthorization; letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company’s fulladdress, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company’s official sealLetters of reference must include all of the following information: the specific period of your employment with the company the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position your main responsibilities in each position your total annual salary and benefits the signature of your immediate supervisor or the Personnel Officer of the company a business card of the person who signed the letter** IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE LETTER OF REFERENCE OR EMPLOYMENTCONTRACT FROM YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER, YOU MUST SUBMIT ANEXPLANATORY LETTER ALONG WITH OTHER OFFICIAL PROOF OF YOUREMPLOYMENT.
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 移民日记+问题--新人第一帖BJ这么证明:6.1a) The principal applicant must provide original letters of reference from their current and past employers for each employment position they had in the 106years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form. These certificates must give the title and contact information of the signatory or the Personnel Officer of the company and must include all the following information: the specific period of the principal applicant’s employment with the company; the positions held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position; the main duties and responsibilities in each position; the income of the principal applicant (broken down by salary, benefits, commissions and bonuses) with, if applicable, an explanation of the basis for calculating commissions and bonuses; a business card of the person who signed the letter and of the principal applicant, if available.The certificates must be written on company letterhead and must be stamped with the company’s official seal. They must show the company’s full address, telephone and fax numbers with the area code, and website if applicable.b) Employment contracts signed by the principal applicant for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form.c) Proof of personal income taxes and social insurance paid by the principal applicant for each employment position they had in the 10 years before the date of application until present and which they list on their application form, issued by the employer and/or the bureau responsible for collecting these fees.d) Résumé for the principal applicant and the spouse or common-law partner.To download the form click hereNOTE:- If you cannot provide some of the documents listed above as proof of your employment in the 10 years before the date of application to present, please submit a detailed explanation as to why you are unable to do so and, if possible, provide other documents or information that might substantiate the issue in question.
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 移民日记+问题--新人第一帖上一篇日记2009-10-19 SUNNY & WINDYThe salary is declining, for everyone in my department. Everybody is unhappy, but what can we do. I don't know how's my future if I am still in this company. I have a plan to emigrating, not only for the salary declining, but also for changing my life style. I want another life style- freedom, less pressure and beautiful nature... I don't know, but it's my goal now at least.
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