加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民又有新问题:翻译
刚看到有帖子谈论北京补料时英文件可以自己翻译,心里迷糊糊的,在填表的guidance里不是专门强调过:Any document that is not in English or French[FONT=Verdana,Verdana]must be accompanied [/FONT]by: the English or French translation;[FONT=Verdana,Verdana]and[/FONT][*]an affidavit from the person who completed the translation; [FONT=Verdana,Verdana]and[/FONT][*]a [FONT=Verdana,Verdana]certified [/FONT]copy of the document.[FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Note[/FONT]: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translations by family members are not acceptable. 请过来人指点:到底能不能自己翻译啊?谢谢!
2009-10-28 DHL发悉尼ㄏ2009-11-3 妥投悉尼ㄏ2009-12-12 雅思考试ㄏ2010-02-11 妥投香港ㄏ2010-03-08 签发MEㄏ2010-03-29 体检ㄏ2010-10-18 补资金证明ㄏ2011-3 二次体检ㄏ2011-4 安全面试ㄏ2011-8 PL丢失ㄏ2012-3 PL 回复: 又有新问题:翻译自己翻译没啥问题。看以前补料的TX都知道了
?回复: 又有新问题:翻译看北京大使馆补件的要求。
回复: 又有新问题:翻译看北京大使馆补件的要求。点击展开...请问北京大使馆补件是怎么要求的?谢谢!
2009-10-28 DHL发悉尼ㄏ2009-11-3 妥投悉尼ㄏ2009-12-12 雅思考试ㄏ2010-02-11 妥投香港ㄏ2010-03-08 签发MEㄏ2010-03-29 体检ㄏ2010-10-18 补资金证明ㄏ2011-3 二次体检ㄏ2011-4 安全面试ㄏ2011-8 PL丢失ㄏ2012-3 PL 请问北京大使馆补件是怎么要求的?谢谢!点击展开...
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