回复: 请问有人能提供一下单位推荐人推荐信的模版么?感谢感谢!!符合以下要求就可以:the specific period of your employment with the company the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position your main responsibilities in each position your total annual salary and benefits the signature of your immediate supervisor or the Personnel Officer of the company a business card of the person who signed the letter
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404符合以下要求就可以:the specific period of your employment with the companythe positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spent in each positionyour main responsibilities in each positionyour total annual salary and benefitsthe signature of your immediate supervisor or the Personnel Officer of the companya business card of the person who signed the letter点击展开... 大致的我知道,想问问有没有具体的模版,参考一下
回复: 请问有人能提供一下单位推荐人推荐信的模版么?感谢感谢!!大致的我知道,想问问有没有具体的模版,参考一下点击展开...
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