加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大爱民屯人质事件和平解决


EDMONTON?A gunman toting a high-powered rifle who took a number of people hostage in a downtown Edmonton building Wednesday has surrendered peacefully, Edmonton police say.No one was injured although the gunman initially had taken as many as nine people hostage earlier in the day. Police negotiated with the man, who was angry about his worker's compensation claim, as the standoff continued throughout most of the day and into the evening.Shortly after the gunman entered the Worker's Compensation Board building around 8:30 a.m., a mass evacuation began, with workers streaming out of the downtown office as police rushed to the scene. Some workers on the fifth floor of the building barricaded themselves behind closed doors while waiting for direction from police on leaving.The gunman went to the eighth floor where adjudicators and case management officials are located.Wuite, the police spokesman, said earlier that lines of communication had been opened with the man. "We do have an opportunity to bring this to a peaceful conclusion," he said. About 700 employees work in the building, which is a nine-floor facility with a basement. Bethanne O'Neil, one of the workers, told the Canadian Press that employees on the fifth floor locked themselves inside and barricaded the doors as a precaution. Workers did horoscopes and read the newspaper to pass the time, sharing cellphones to assure loved ones they were safe."We all stayed calm. We knew it was under control," said O'Neil. "We knew the SWAT team was there and the police were going to look after things. I wasn't that worried."Most of the board managers were away from the building at a conference, according to O'Neil. Police cautioned news outlets that it was possible the gunman was monitoring broadcasts to hear what was being reported. An early report that a shot had been fired later turned out to be not true.Buildings near the WCB office were also evacuated and tactical teams sent in robotic bomb detection units. Evacuated workers were taken on to city buses to house them temporarily during the standoff. Some witnesses reported that the gunman was wearing a camouflage jacket and carrying a backpack. The hostages were allegedly held in a conference room on the eighth floor. Jennifer Dagsvik, a board spokeswoman, said it's unclear how the gunman got past security guards. Employees say security is pretty tight at the building, which routinely deals with protests by disgruntled clients. Workers need a security pass to get on to most floors and offices. Dagsvik, who was home sick Wednesday and not at the office, said there was nothing unusual happening in the facility."This has been a complete shock," said Dagsvik. "All we're concerned about is making sure people are safe." (thestar.com)

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