加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日
4121,没有合同,有协议书和工作证,但因为二者上面的生日与身份证的信息不一致,不打算用。准备写工作经历证明,加上下面的解释信,不知道行不行?请知道的TX指点,谢谢了!Dear Sir or Madam:I don’t submit my employment contract for the reason below: Unlike other work units or companies whose employees (are required to) sign the employment contract, the university I work for, xxx University , is a public institution and the employment contract, accordingly, is not required thereof. I did sign an agreement with the university upon my arrival, which, however, could not be found due to my neglect and frequent moving. Therefore, I cannot provide the employment contract desired.Please keep me informed of additional required material(s), if any. Thank you. Yours sincerely,
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板学习,我也是4121的。
予人玫瑰,手留余香温哥华生活一个月汇报http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=377155温哥华长登记录http://forum.iask.to/showthread.php?t=646437回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板赶紧学习,俺没有记得有合同。还有俺 的工作证也丢了,赶紧补办一个哦
09.10.02妥投,10.04.02大信封 VO:DYF10.8.10 长登多伦多回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板学习。密切关注。可能会面临相同的问题,LZ有进展上来说一声。
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板格式上问题不大吧。有两个语法问题。1 whose employees (are required to) sign 括号里面是什么意思?没见过这种用法。2 I did sign an agreement with the university upon my arrival, which, however, could not be found due to my neglect and frequent moving.用did强调,感觉语气过于强硬,意思好像是:我确实签过什么,但是丢了(你说咋办吧)。which虽然是修饰agreement,但是离agreement太远,很容易引起歧义。定语从句最好就近修饰。3 Therefore, I cannot provide the employment contract desired.我不知道这是不是大帝的原话。我看不明白为什么要在一个名词(contract)后面放一个形容词(desired)。形容词修饰名词应该放到名词前面(不过,我还是不太理解什么意思,desired是谁产生的感觉?),结尾放副词。供参考。4121,没有合同,有协议书和工作证,但因为二者上面的生日与身份证的信息不一致,不打算用。准备写工作经历证明,加上下面的解释信,不知道行不行?请知道的TX指点,谢谢了!Dear Sir or Madam:I don’t submit my employment contract for the reason below: Unlike other work units or companies whose employees (are required to) sign the employment contract, the university I work for, xxx University , is a public institution and the employment contract, accordingly, is not required thereof. I did sign an agreement with the university upon my arrival, which, however, could not be found due to my neglect and frequent moving. Therefore, I cannot provide the employment contract desired.Please keep me informed of additional required material(s), if any. Thank you.Yours sincerely,点击展开...
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板煞那间进入英语写作课程,搬好板凳来听
当结果来临的时间比结果本身更重要的时候,我们应该怎么办?回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板偶当时就说了一句:The company did not sign official contract with me at that time,but you can refer to the working certificate in stead.
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板看来当老师的都不容易啊。
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板thanks
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板学习。密切关注!@~
不要把好东西留到特别的日子才用,你活着的每一天都是特别的日子[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]偶当时就说了一句:The company did not sign official contract with me at that time,but you can refer to the working certificate in stead.点击展开...请不要介意,有点建议: 1.“ official” 最好删去,可以换上"employment",要不VO会觉得:什么叫"official"的;没有official的,那么unofficial 的在哪里;如果有"unofficial"的,为什么不附上?2. “at that time” 最好换成"直到现在"云云,要不VO会迷惑:那时候雇主没有跟你签,那么后来有没有再跟你签过呢?如果有的话,为什么没有附上呢?3.后半句最好加个"please".
回复: 刚刚炮制的无合同解释信,请大家帮忙看看--借日耳曼大帝的社保解释信模板我也凑凑热闹,第一句I don’t,是否用I could not好些
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