加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in educa
Immigration to CanadaACCA Canada receives many enquiries from ACCA members and student members worldwide who have an interest in working or studying in Canada . ACCA Canada is unable to directly assist individuals immigrating to Canada , and members and students are advised to contact the Canadian High Commission, embassy or consulate in their own country for details of immigration requirements. Prospective permanent immigrants will need to meet the criteria of a points system which takes into account a number of factors such as education, qualifications, age and family currently in Canada . Details are available at the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.We can advise that ACCA members have received considerable education points on the basis of their ACCA qualification and ACCA Canada is currently working with Citizenship and Immigration Canada to have them officially recognize ACCA as a Masters degree equivalence, the standing it receives for immigration purposes to the United Kingdom , per the specifications below: APPENDIX ? PROFESSIONAL/OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Accountants - Masters degree level Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) - If the applicant has provided a certificate from ACCA that states they are a Member or Affiliate this equates to a Masters level.
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points请问楼主的信息可靠吗,来源是哪里呀
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points看不懂 啥意思啊...雅思阅读7.5分的人飘过
加币比美元值钱5%, 但是加国货物售价比美国贵20-30%...回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points好消息!
2008.10.20 递HK 2008.10.21签收2008.11.11 扣款 2008.11.27 FN看不懂 啥意思啊... 雅思阅读7.5分的人飘过点击展开...
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points这个信息不大可靠。如果说等同于学时学位,还有可能。等同与硕士太过了。ACCA本来就是相当于本科阶段的教育。
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education pointsACCA有同时申请本科和硕士相应阶段英国学位的程序,但不是说ACCA都是硕士.不要断章取义...因为英国学制不同,本科加硕士和北美本科年限一样...
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....这个信息不大可靠。如果说等同于学时学位,还有可能。等同与硕士太过了。ACCA本来就是相当于本科阶段的教育。点击展开...想请问下楼主,你明白什么是ACCA吗?你知道不知道,在中国,会计硕士毕业,还要加考P阶段才能取得ACCA呢,你竟然说ACCA只相当于学士学位,哎。。。。。。 身为CPA的我都不知道怎么说你好了。。。。。。当真是无知者无谓啊!
08年8月27日 FN 状态:12符合38职业(简表填的1111)I am CPAIELTS 5.5、6.5、6.5、5.5(必须考到) 等待ing回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points如果楼上所述属实,“在中国,会计硕士毕业,还要加考P阶段才能取得ACCA呢”,那ACCA还等同个啥,本来就是硕士么。。。
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education pointsACCA还是相当有分量的,全世界通用,到任何一个国家都可以用ACCA证书换取所在国承认的相应注册会计师资格。ACCA那是相当牛X的。
08年8月27日 FN 状态:12符合38职业(简表填的1111)I am CPAIELTS 5.5、6.5、6.5、5.5(必须考到) 等待ing回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points那ACCA有没有限制非大专的参加考试呢?你只所以要加考,只不过是人家ACCA毕竟不能等同于学历教育.就象你CPA出来了,就说你等同于硕士学历了,谁认同呢?
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education pointsACCA就是硕士学位
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points有ACCA按硕士学历报吗?education那栏怎么填呢?折几年教育如果这可靠就太好了,我就是ACCA
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points我所知道的是,ACCA可以申报会计硕士,但是需要完成一篇论文,以及交纳一定金额的钱(好象几千磅)。难道这个变了吗?
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points呃~我是ACCA member~ 不过还是按照20分给我算的希望有同学愿意做第一个吃螃蟹的人~有了胜利的消息再和大家分享一下吧
2008.3.20 E175 ACCOUNTANT CSL ~ 2009.10.13 OZ PR Granted2009.6.2 NOC1111 ~ 2009.10.27 CA PR Granted2010.4.3 短登OZ Sydney-Melbourne-Gold Coast-Brisbane-Whitsundays2010.7.19 长登CA Toronto回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education pointsACCA Canada is currently working with Citizenship and Immigration Canada to have them officially recognize ACCA as a Masters degree equivalence人家只是说working with CIC,也就表示这事儿......待定
回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points如果消息可考的话,那就太好了,我就是ACCA member. 不过填表的时候可以填硕士吗? 我初审的时候填的是双学士学位.
2009.09.09 DHL - 2009.09.14 妥投 - 2009.10.29解付 - 2009.10.31.收到补料信 如果消息可考的话,那就太好了,我就是ACCA member. 不过填表的时候可以填硕士吗? 我初审的时候填的是双学士学位.点击展开...楼上你还没去英国读硕士呢,应该不算的吧!
................................................................................回复: ACCA(按硕士分计算)-equivalent to master degree in education points[Accountants - Masters degree level Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) - If the applicant has provided a certificate from ACCA that states they are a Member or Affiliate this equates to a Masters level.[/quote] LS, 这里不是写着只有你提供证书,证明你是ACCA的Affiliate 或者member,就等同于Master degree.
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