加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT:CIC官网的"Annual Report to Parliament on Immigrati
原文摘录,供大家参考。 In order to support Canada’s economy as it recovers from the recession, the focus of the 2010 levels plan is on economic immigration. In particular, the admissions range for provincial and territorial nominees has been increased to accommodate growth of the Provincial Nominee Program. Increasing total admissions of economic immigrants will also allow CIC to continue reducing the backlog of federal skilled worker applications, while ensuring the immigration program is responsive to the labour market by admitting immigrants whose skills are in demand.
FN:2007-2-28(B05053XXXX)IELTS:2009-7(L8,S6.5,R7,W6.5)Waiting for S2......回复: ZT:CIC官网的"Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, 2009"2010年的移民指标,75%是技术移民;不过,魁省的名额实际上非常多啊。
回复: ZT:CIC官网的"Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, 2009"2010年的移民指标,75%是技术移民;不过,魁省的名额实际上非常多啊。点击展开...是啊,是在被逼急了就去学法语了。
FN:2007-2-28(B05053XXXX)IELTS:2009-7(L8,S6.5,R7,W6.5)Waiting for S2......回复: ZT:CIC官网的"Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, 2009"就怕过了这村又没了这店了,怎么办?呵呵
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