加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?
Dear XXX - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world...7-Resume-E.pdf Note: All notarized booklets should contain photocopies of the original documents. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided. This may result in your application being refused.Please keep this office apprised of any change of address or telephone number. If you have not already done so, you should provide us with your current address in Chinese characters. Please access our website frequently to get information on your application and on our current processing times.Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. If you must send us something in Chinese characters, please ensure it is accompanied by either an English or a French translation.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?格式化的回信。就是强调公证件中必须包含所公证的原件的复印件。现在都这样。
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?没提交简历?没有具体要求呀?
2010.2.18日拿到大信封,毕业了http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=301912回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?你补料北京少交了材料吧。让你继续交,如果不能在45天内交上来,则根据已经提交的评估,可能被拒。
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?Dear XXX - Detailed resume.To download form go to http://www.international.gc.ca/world...7-Resume-E.pdf Note: All notarized booklets should contain photocopies of the original documents. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided. This may result in your application being refused.Please keep this office apprised of any change of address or telephone number. If you have not already done so, you should provide us with your current address in Chinese characters. Please access our website frequently to get information on your application and on our current processing times.Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. If you must send us something in Chinese characters, please ensure it is accompanied by either an English or a French translation.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature点击展开...是不是补料不全呀,要求继续补简历吧。
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?没有提交这个表?简历没有用这个表格填写?没有签字?
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?是不是有些公证书不符合要求?顺便问大家,直接的出生公证,也就是没有出生证的出生公证,是不是不符合要求的?因为直接的出生公证没有"photocopies of the original documents".老外可能不知道很多中国人没有出生证的。
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?这个应该没有问题,我那会儿还没有出生证呢。户口上不就记载了所有的资料吗?
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?公证书里面一般首先包括了一份原件复印件在里面吧!,再加上公证statement的。难道还要自己另外复印一遍和公证书一起递交??请问楼主,你补料多长时间了?目前什么状态?12吗?
...回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?简历没交吧!
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?我这边做出来的公证书里没有什么原件和复印件。就是按照我提供的相关文件,公证处出一个证明(一份是中文的,另一份是前面公证书的英文翻译)。就这些了。我就这样交上去了,没问题吧。
回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?我这边做出来的公证书里没有什么原件和复印件。就是按照我提供的相关文件,公证处出一个证明(一份是中文的,另一份是前面公证书的英文翻译)。就这些了。 我就这样交上去了,没问题吧。点击展开...俺的公证书,一开始几页都是原件的复印件,然后才是公证处的公证词,只有英文的。 感觉你的公证书如果没有包含复印件,就应该另附复印件吧。 供参考。
...回复: 周二收到了email,内容这样写是什么意思?公证是都有复印件在第一页的,可是中国的无犯罪公证,公证处并不复印原件在第一页啊
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