加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民初审表格与补料表格的差异
自10月20日第二次妥投希尼已经快两个月了。如无意外,不料信应该快到了。材料准备已经在进行中。初审表的工作经历中填写了两段,2009/09至今在国内大学教书,2004/08 - 2009/06 在美国大学教书。补料是的表格要在工作经历上加上一段:2000 - 2004 在美国读研究生期间作teaching assistant。初审表格没填,想来想去还是决定应该填写。这样前后不一致会不会有问题?想写封解释信。这样写行吗?麻烦大家给看一看。谢谢。 Explanation Letter: Work Experience, Graduate/Teaching Assistantship at LLLL University In the IMM008, Schedule 3 submitted in this packet, I listed three segments of work experiences. university professor at H University, Nanjing, China;university professor at University of Wt, WI, USA;graduate/teaching assistant while registered as a full-time graduate student at L University, Pennsylvania, USA. In the initial forms submitted to the Central Intake Office, Sydney Nova Scotia, I did not include my part-time experiences as a graduate/teaching assistant at L University. At that time I mistakenly assumed that I was supposed to list only experiences that would give me points toward qualifying for immigration under the Federal Skilled Worker class (i.e. those on the list of 38 categories). Now I have learned that TA/GA is classified as “level A” occupations and should be included in Schedule 3. Therefore I have included this segment of my work experience. I have the following explanations about supporting materials for my work experience as a graduate/teaching assistant. 1. Contract: I have lost the contracts for each year of my GA/TA work. The initial offer letter for me to enroll in the Ph. D. program at L, signed by the graduate coordinator of the Department of Psychology, clearly indicated that I was offered a GA position with a stipend of 10,233 dollars. I am using this letter as a supporting material for my GA/TA experience. Moreover, a reference letter from my immediate supervisor, Gordon B., is included. I am also including copies of W2 forms prepared by the L University for the purpose of federal, state and local income taxes, as well as copies of my federal income tax forms were included.
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