加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?


FEDERAL SKILLED WORKERCENTRALIZED INTAKE OFFICEP.O. BOX 7500SYDNEY, NS B1P 0A9XXXXXX, BEIJING CITY 100081 CHINA 15 December 2009*BXXX * Dear Sir: This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on November 28, 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an offer of Arranged Employment, applicants who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or applicants who have work experience in certain listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. Based on a review of the information you have provided, your application is being recommended to the visa office for a final determination of eligibility for processing on the basis of: X Work experience in an occupation specified in the Instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. Arranged Employment in CanadaPlease note: The requirements for Arranged Employment are outlined on: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EG72.asp#factor5 Legal residence in Canada as a Temporary Foreign Worker or Legal residence in Canada as an International Student for at least 1 year immediately preceding the date of application. You are therefore requested to submit a complete application to the following visa office: The Canadian EmbassyImmigration Section19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing 100600The People’s Republic of China Any future correspondence should be sent to this visa office. Your reference number is located below the date of this letter. You must quote this reference number in any future correspondence. X This correspondence also acknowledges receipt of your payment dated 15 Dec 2009 in the amount of 1,250.00 Canadian dollars. Your Payment Receipt No. is XXX . Please keep a copy of this letter for your records and quote this number on all correspondence relating to application fees or refunds. This correspondence also acknowledges receipt of your Fee Payment Form (Imm5620) authorizing CIC to take payment of processing fees using the credit card details provided. Please be informed that we processed a payment of Canadian dollars on this credit card (ending in ). Your receipt number is . Please keep a copy of this letter for your records and quote this number on all correspondence relating to application fees or refunds. Submitting your Complete ApplicationGo to http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp to download the Federal Skilled Worker guide and application forms. Your complete application must consist of the following:A copy of this letter with the reference number above Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM 0008] Schedule 1: Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (if applicable) Schedule 3: Economic Classes [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3] You must submit all documents required by the visa office. Visa office-specific forms and a list of all supporting documents required by the visa office are available at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled-mission.asp When submitting your complete application to the visa office, you must advise them of any changes in your application (e.g. birth of a child, marriage, new occupation or employer, submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, change of address, change of e-mail address, change of immigration representative, etc). Please include a letter identifying what the changes are. NOTE: Until the visa office has received your completed application, it will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, EXCEPT: Change of address, including change of e-mail address; Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; The Federal Skilled Worker application kit states (page 18), “Consult the Visa Office specific requirements now to determine what documents you will need to provide once your application is recommended for processing at a Visa Office. If you are not prepared to submit full documentation to the Visa Office within 120 days do not apply now. Visa Offices are strictly enforcing the 120 day rule and will not provide extensions.” Note: Once the 120 days has elapsed, a final eligibility of determination will be made based on the information on file. A negative determination of eligibility for processing is final and will result in the closure of your file. Documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package. Once the visa office has received your complete application, it will send you an acknowledgement of receipt letter which will inform you of the next steps in the review of your application. It is important for you to learn about the steps you need to take to get your credentials and qualifications recognized in Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada recommends that you review the resources on the Foreign Credentials Referral Office’s website (www.credentials.gc.ca) and the Going to Canada portal (www.goingtocanada.gc.ca) for helpful information about living and finding work in Canada. If you live in India, China or the Philippines, you can access information on free in-person assistance at http://ciip.accc.ca Thank you for your interest in Canada. FBService Delivery AgentCitizenship and ImmigrationFederal Skilled Worker Centralized Intake OfficeSydney, Nova Scotia This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail by mistake delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. This e-mail address is solely for the purpose of communicating to clients and/or their representative’s further instructions regarding their application. This e-mail box is not being monitored. Any future communication/queries to this e-mail address will therefore not be answered.

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?是呀。

回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?确定无疑,恭喜!准备材料吧

回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?赶快准备吧

2010.2.18日拿到大信封,毕业了http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=301912回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?谢谢,这么快就有人跟贴,强!我看信老长了,也不知道是不是传说中的补料信,反正有号,有什么补料内容,参照连接,哎呀,英文太差,看着眼晕,自认为是补料信啦.

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?请问LZ是啥时投妥初审表的?偶在估算烤鸭时间呢。谢谢!

默然相爱,寂静欢喜回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?好快哦,19号签收的就到了,恭喜一个。

BJ0213,VO:ROD, 2009.10.14寄表 ---- 12.24 RN ----2010.1.13 补料投妥---- 2010.1.25 FN---- 3.4 IP----3.9 BJ-6----3.12 BJ-12----5.21 BJ-6 ---- 8.16 BJ-12 ---- 10.12日 BJ-5 ---- 10.15 ME --2011.5.31大信封请问LZ是啥时投妥初审表的?偶在估算烤鸭时间呢。谢谢!点击展开...10/19号,签名档里有。

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?恭喜楼主!

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?谢谢美玉,终于可以参照你的补料经了。

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?恭喜恭喜。我十月20好签收的。一点儿消息没有。

2021年AP心理学第一班7月7日开课;统计学开始招生。首选视频,大温哥华地区面授。FEDERAL SKILLED WORKERCENTRALIZED INTAKE OFFICEP.O. BOX 7500SYDNEY, NS B1P 0A9XXXXXX, BEIJING CITY 100081 CHINA 15 December 2009*BXXX * Dear Sir: This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on November 28, 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an offer of Arranged Employment, applicants who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or applicants who have work experience in certain listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. Based on a review of the information you have provided, your application is being recommended to the visa office for a final determination of eligibility for processing on the basis of: X Work experience in an occupation specified in the Instructions issued by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. Arranged Employment in CanadaPlease note: The requirements for Arranged Employment are outlined on: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EG72.asp#factor5 Legal residence in Canada as a Temporary Foreign Worker or Legal residence in Canada as an International Student for at least 1 year immediately preceding the date of application. You are therefore requested to submit a complete application to the following visa office: The Canadian EmbassyImmigration Section19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChao Yang DistrictBeijing 100600The People’s Republic of China Any future correspondence should be sent to this visa office. Your reference number is located below the date of this letter. You must quote this reference number in any future correspondence. X This correspondence also acknowledges receipt of your payment dated 15 Dec 2009 in the amount of 1,250.00 Canadian dollars. Your Payment Receipt No. is XXX . Please keep a copy of this letter for your records and quote this number on all correspondence relating to application fees or refunds. This correspondence also acknowledges receipt of your Fee Payment Form (Imm5620) authorizing CIC to take payment of processing fees using the credit card details provided. Please be informed that we processed a payment of Canadian dollars on this credit card (ending in ). Your receipt number is . Please keep a copy of this letter for your records and quote this number on all correspondence relating to application fees or refunds. Submitting your Complete ApplicationGo to http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp to download the Federal Skilled Worker guide and application forms. Your complete application must consist of the following:A copy of this letter with the reference number above Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM 0008] Schedule 1: Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] (if applicable) Schedule 3: Economic Classes [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3] You must submit all documents required by the visa office. Visa office-specific forms and a list of all supporting documents required by the visa office are available at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled-mission.asp When submitting your complete application to the visa office, you must advise them of any changes in your application (e.g. birth of a child, marriage, new occupation or employer, submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, change of address, change of e-mail address, change of immigration representative, etc). Please include a letter identifying what the changes are. NOTE: Until the visa office has received your completed application, it will not accept, respond to, or attach to your file any interim correspondence, EXCEPT: Change of address, including change of e-mail address; Change of immigration representative; Request for withdrawal of your application and refund of fees; The Federal Skilled Worker application kit states (page 18), “Consult the Visa Office specific requirements now to determine what documents you will need to provide once your application is recommended for processing at a Visa Office. If you are not prepared to submit full documentation to the Visa Office within 120 days do not apply now. Visa Offices are strictly enforcing the 120 day rule and will not provide extensions.” Note: Once the 120 days has elapsed, a final eligibility of determination will be made based on the information on file. A negative determination of eligibility for processing is final and will result in the closure of your file. Documents must be submitted in a SINGLE package. Once the visa office has received your complete application, it will send you an acknowledgement of receipt letter which will inform you of the next steps in the review of your application. It is important for you to learn about the steps you need to take to get your credentials and qualifications recognized in Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada recommends that you review the resources on the Foreign Credentials Referral Office’s website (www.credentials.gc.ca) and the Going to Canada portal (www.goingtocanada.gc.ca) for helpful information about living and finding work in Canada. If you live in India, China or the Philippines, you can access information on free in-person assistance at http://ciip.accc.ca Thank you for your interest in Canada. FBService Delivery AgentCitizenship and ImmigrationFederal Skilled Worker Centralized Intake OfficeSydney, Nova Scotia This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail by mistake delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. This e-mail address is solely for the purpose of communicating to clients and/or their representative’s further instructions regarding their application. This e-mail box is not being monitored. Any future communication/queries to this e-mail address will therefore not be answered.点击展开...问一下楼主,这个补料信是用email发过来的吗?各位筒子们,补料信发过来还有其他方式吗?有没有人收到的是纸介的信件?

回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?恭喜恭喜。我十月20好签收的。一点儿消息没有。点击展开...别着急,就这几天了,跑不掉的!



6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到问一下楼主,这个补料信是用email发过来的吗?各位筒子们,补料信发过来还有其他方式吗?有没有人收到的是纸介的信件?点击展开...今年6月份起,纸质信已经改为EMAIL了,信件已经取消啦。

6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?大师都帮忙回答了!Email

上帝赐予我工作吧!回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?确定,肯定以及YES

回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?恭喜楼主

稳定滴工作中。。。回复: 大家帮忙看看这个是不是就是补料信啊?恭喜lz

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