加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有过Temporary Resident签证的被拒记录,应该怎样写
再一次检查才发现严重问题. LP(副申请)以前申请过临时居民签证,因为学校派遣过去参观另一间学校.不过被拒了,估计是证明归来的证据不足. 在question 9的detail里面,这样写行不行?除了老实交代之外,不知道要写些什么。。。 I applied for temporary resident of Canada in Mar, 2007 when I was the Music Director of xxxx Training Institute in China. The intention of the tour was to visit the school of xxxx, a non-profit education organization with a strong music program, for observation and consultation. It was planned, while back to China, to strengthen the music work of the training institute in China. However that application was rejected possibly without enough proof of return intention.
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。回复: 有过Temporary Resident签证的被拒记录,应该怎样写Schedule 1 form里的detail还是自己先搜了一下,应该关系不大参考http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=316751
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。回复: 有过Temporary Resident签证的被拒记录,应该怎样写Schedule 1 form里的detail真实理由即可。
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