加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民创业算不算工作经验



回复: 创业算不算工作经验个人理解,创业如果成功了可以。

回复: 创业算不算工作经验Your work experience must be in the category of Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC). http://www.ci.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/factor-experience.asp


我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 创业算不算工作经验谢谢各位!

回复: 创业算不算工作经验EntrepreneursThe Entrepreneur Program seeks to attract experienced business persons who will own and actively manage businesses in Canada that contribute to the economy and create jobs. Entrepreneurs must:show that they have business experience have a minimum net worth of C$300,000 that was obtained legally and respect the conditions for entrepreneurs after they arrive in Canada. ----this too difficult!CAD$300,000!!! where to take this sum!

有梦想就有未来!!回复: 创业算不算工作经验Business experienceYou must have managed a qualifying business and have had control of a percentage of equity of the qualifying business for at least two years in the period that begins five years before you submit your application and ends when a decision is made on your application.Your business must not be operated primarily for the purpose of deriving investment income, such as interest, dividends or capital gains.You can find a definition of a “qualifying business” and other terms that apply to the Entrepreneur Program in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.Net worth requirementsYou must be able to satisfy a visa officer that the fair market value of all your assets and the assets of your spouse or common-law partner were obtained legally. Your assets must exceed the fair market value of all your liabilities and the liabilities of your spouse or common-law partner by at least C$300,000.You must be able to prove that no portion of your net worth was obtained through criminal activity. You will be asked to explain any discrepancies between your net income over the years and your present net worth. The visa officer who assesses your net worth may ask you for documents to confirm both your income sources and your net worth.

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