加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于香港补料清单
各位大侠,之前听说香港补料清单不需提供本人出生证,但是从加拿大回信的网站链接上www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled-mission.asp[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]看到这么一项3.Identity and civil status documents Birth and marriage certificate for you and your spouse or common-law partner. 按照这个说法,是否主副申请也需要提供出生证呢? 请高手解答,谢谢!
回复: 关于香港补料清单补料香港,不要按RN信中的链接,要用使馆网站里自己的补料清单。不需要承认的出生公证。关于这个问题,论坛里有许多许多的帖子了。
回复: 关于香港补料清单谢谢hope2010,受益匪浅。还要请教一个问题,我英国的成绩单我已经拆开了信封,不寄密封件行吗?是否一定要寄原件
回复: 关于香港补料清单以下摘自香港使馆补料清单,只要求孩子的出生证公证。IDENTITY AND CIVIL DOCUMENTS The following documents are required for you, your spouse or common-law partner, and dependent children if applicable. For PRC applicants, kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship. PRC applicants must submit notarized certificates of the documents below. The notarized certificates must include photocopies of original documents issued by the PRC Offices administered by the Civil Administration (e.g. marriage certificate is issued by the PRC People’s Government Office in your town, city, county or province of residence). . marriage certificate . relationship proof with your common-law partner including notarized / certified declaration of your common-law relationship, evidence of your history of cohabitation, mutual commitment, continuous financial support, etc. . divorce certificate / absolute divorce (Hong Kong residents), divorce court order with arrangements for the custody of children, annulled marriage certificate, separation certificate or court order . death certificate of your former spouse or other family member . for citizens of the PRC and Taiwan, the notarized / certified copies of family or employment (‘Danwei’) Household Registers (‘HUKOU’); proof of temporary residence if your permanent Hukou is not in the place where you are presently working and/or residing For dependent children: . birth certificate (notarized hospital birth records) . adoption certificate for your adopted child/ren (notarized / certified copy of the adoption certificate issued by the District Court in Hong Kong or the Ministry of Civil Affair in the PRC) . custody order and proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in the custody order . written consent of the other biological parent to your removing the child(ren) from his / her / their country of residence to Canada for permanent immigration; this written consent must state the full name and PRC identity card number of the parent giving consent and be accompanied by a copy of the front and back of the PRC identity card of the person giving consent SAP Skilled Worker Hong Kong (20090309)
默然相爱,寂静欢喜回复: 关于香港补料清单thank you
回复: 关于香港补料清单谢谢hope2010,受益匪浅。还要请教一个问题,我英国的成绩单我已经拆开了信封,不寄密封件行吗?是否一定要寄原件点击展开...一定要寄原件,不密封可以。
回复: 关于香港补料清单小孩超过18岁,还要婚姻状态的公正啊?
Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or the future. 回复: 关于香港补料清单hope2010真热心!!
不要把好东西留到特别的日子才用,你活着的每一天都是特别的日子[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 关于香港补料清单我看了SW-HK-KIT.PDF,里面没说要成绩单原件呀?只是说要复印件,我的本科成绩单是中文的,还需要学校出英文成绩单,再复印吗?
回复: 关于香港补料清单我看了SW-HK-KIT.PDF,里面没说要成绩单原件呀?只是说要复印件,我的本科成绩单是中文的,还需要学校出英文成绩单,再复印吗?点击展开... 需要成绩单原件,你的成绩单是中文的,你需要翻译一下,把中文原件和翻译件(最好让学校盖章)一起给使馆。
回复: 关于香港补料清单香港补料清单里,要求CADGEDC的学历报告,怎么还要学历的公正件呢?是不是重复了?各位已ME的同学,你们实操是怎么样的?
Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or the future. 回复: 关于香港补料清单我是学位、学历、成绩单都认证了,而且还公证了学位和学历。香港的要求是:认证学位(学历)+成绩单;再公证学位(学历),就是这样的要求。
赏 香港补料清单里,要求CADGEDC的学历报告,怎么还要学历的公正件呢?是不是重复了?各位已ME的同学,你们实操是怎么样的?点击展开...一个都不能少。有同学偷懒了,结果被要求补料。
回复: 关于香港补料清单投hk真花钱哦
09.10.02妥投,10.04.02大信封 VO:DYF10.8.10 长登多伦多我是学位、学历、成绩单都认证了,而且还公证了学位和学历。香港的要求是:认证学位(学历)+成绩单;再公证学位(学历),就是这样的要求。点击展开...是不是需要:1 清华认证学历2清华认证学位3 清华认证成绩单4 公证学位5 公证学历 即学历学位全部需要认证,并公证。关于成绩单,是否需要清华认证,还是只要学校开具,将原价和翻译件,改学校公章一起寄去就可以?是否需要密封? 请哪位高人回答以下,多谢!
回复: 关于香港补料清单是不是需要:1 清华认证学历2清华认证学位3 清华认证成绩单4 公证学位5 公证学历 即学历学位全部需要认证,并公证。关于成绩单,是否需要清华认证,还是只要学校开具,将原价和翻译件,改学校公章一起寄去就可以?是否需要密封? 请哪位高人回答以下,多谢!点击展开...成绩单一定要认证,同时需要给使馆提供中(英文)成绩单原件。如果你们学校只有中文原件,你就交中文原件和翻译件也可以。密封最好。
回复: 关于香港补料清单投HK,一定要仔细,尽量做到学历学位成绩单全部清华认证,以确保万无一失。还有出生公证,补料不嫌多,稳妥为先。
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